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Prototype (2009)

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Alex Mercer has woken up in the morgue of a genetic engineering company, only to find that he has gained incredible superhuman abilities - from amazing agility to rock-hard strength that allows him to stop bullets fired at him. With the ability to 'consume' people and absorb their very beings, Alex sets out on a quest to discover what caused this mutation and who he is.

In Prototype, players are let loose on New York city, free to use deadly superhuman abilities in a fully open-world sandbox environment. Making use of his newfound abilities, Alex must fight the monsters created by a deadly virus, as well as the military trying to end his existence, all to discover the conspiracy behind his condition.

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AgilessUA's picture

AgilessUA 9 years 1 month ago

Prototype is an outstanding action game where you play for the genetically modified mutant who possesses a number of cool features. The game also provides you with absolute freedom of action in a huge world of New York where an outbreak of severe virus has happened. Alex Mercer - the main character will have to find the truth and develop his abilities like absorbing energy and memories, morphing, flying and many others that can be combined in different ways to create the unbeatable character and win the game.

Lou4's picture

Lou4 9 years 1 month ago

Prototype is a really fun game to blow off steam the mindless violence, and the blowing things up is just the start. The story isn't much, but the amount of chaos you can reek on New York was really fun for me... maybe I have a problem.

nicksxon's picture

nicksxon 9 years 1 month ago

In the game you wake up as genetically modified mutant who has to fight mutant monster in the midst of a virus breakout. With superhuman abilities like absorbing energy from others and taking their form and superhuman strength you fight for survival. I am not done with the game yet but so far i have enjoyed every bit as i advance through the missions.

AleczKrrillo's picture

AleczKrrillo 9 years 1 month ago

Mutants, superpowers and massive destruction were the chosen elements to create this great open-world game. The games plot is enough to keep you playing, even though you feel like some of the mission are repetitive and predictable. If you love to destroy anything in your way, this game is for you.

Abhi2's picture

Abhi2 9 years 1 month ago

A mysterious virus outbreaks in New York, infecting its citizens and making them scary zombie like creatures. As the most power single player game character, Alex Mercer has to track down cause and ways to prevent this apacalyptic disaster. The gameplay and graphics are highly detailed and gives you the freedom to experiment different moves with weapons that you unlock throughout the story. Hijacking military tanks and helicopters, creepy violence, gore and the unraveling storyline is epic!

albati's picture

albati 9 years 2 months ago

Prototype, One of the best action games i have ever played. the movement style and the fighting system is what makes this game a truly fantastic game. in the game you can, use more than 5 different type of powers, drive a military tank, helicopter, you can use guns, fly from building to building, cut enemies in half. at one point of the game, you have to fight a full army, and when fight gets big, you might not see yourself from the number of bullets, rockets, enemies that are attacking you.

ellonganiza's picture

ellonganiza 9 years 2 months ago

I Prototype you get to play as Alex Mercer, a man who wakes up in facility with incredible powers and no memory, and must now use his new arsenal of Claws, Hammer Hands, Tentacles and more to understand the reasons behind a mutant epidemic that is destroying the city. This is accomplished by absorbing the people behind the plot and thus gaining their dna and memories. The combat is great and you are free to roam the city as you please fighting, morphing and evolving. Give it a shot!!