Metro 2033

Metro 2033
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Metro 2033 (2010)

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Welcome to the Metro - the underground stations of Moscow, and the only habitable place left after the outside world was ravaged by nuclear warfare. Artyom is one such denizen of the Metro, which has been carved out between factions vying for power. With an important message to deliver, Artyom must travel across the Metro, encountering bandits as well as the warring Communist and Nazi factions - all while fighting off the horrid mutants that have come to spawn in the tunnels.

Metro 2033 puts players in an extremely atmospheric and harsh environment, where bullets are currency, and making every bullet count is perhaps more important than has ever been before.

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Goglo614's picture

Goglo614 4 years 2 weeks ago

Solid game. Definitely a "Must Play"!

Jclark98's picture

Jclark98 5 years 8 months ago

Pretty good game. It was even better because it was free for me. Enjoyed what I played. Not the type of game I'd go back to and play again though.

MaxwellDenton's picture

MaxwellDenton 6 years 4 months ago

I've only gotten to play a small part of the game, but what I did play was quite amazing.

RKChauhan's picture

RKChauhan 7 years 9 months ago

A very engaging and immersive game, with its post nuclear war setting and gameplay.

legr96's picture

legr96 7 years 11 months ago

Extremely immersive, nice playability, georgeous graphics but poor story.

Braferon's picture

Braferon 9 years 1 month ago

It's something similar to call of duty, but with different story and different enemies. I wouldn't say it's marvelous game but it has some advantages. The shortage of ammo could make the playing interesting, great narration and the feel of battle.

eriche12's picture

eriche12 9 years 2 months ago

In a post-apocalyptic genre ruled by the colossus Fallout series, Metro 2033 stands tall by its side. And rightfully so. Although it present many bugs and glitches, the game introduced some great and innovative ideas. Also, Its atmospheric and secluded ambient makes it up for it. You crawl through a maze of tunnels beneath Moscow in a constant fear, never knowing what's around the next turn. If you enjoy dark, gloomy, and eerie games, don't look further. Metro 2033 is for you

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