The nation of Agatha is in civil war. On one hand, are the loyal Agatha Knights, and on another, the ruthless Mason Order which seeks to bring about a revolution on Agatha, no matter how many soldiers it takes to paint their banner blood red. Chivalry locks the two forces in a never-ending war as they bring medieval weaponry to slash, stab and skewer each other. Players will be able to use weapons like swords, maces, longbows, and crossbows to cut, smash, or rain arrows down upon enemies. Ballista's, catapults and boiling oil are also used during sieges, where soldiers defend or attack a fortified castle.
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a multiplayer game mainly focusing on melee combat, in which players fight using none of the comforts of guns. With swords, axes and lances, or the unreliability of crossbows and bows, players must do what it takes to stop the opposing force and secure victory.