Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops
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Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010)

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Judged by: 58 gamers
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Go back 40 years in time. Back when the USA and Russia were waging Cold War and the world was on the brink of destruction. Delve deeper into the secret mysteries of the Cold War and the side which was never known before. Take control of US special forces agent, Alex Mason and experience the dark and clandestine operations of the CIA, ranging throughout the world: from the Arctic circle to Cuba, and even Russia and Vietnam. 

Savour the gameplay of more than just a solo campaign: play with friends on a LAN or online in intense multiplayer matches. Or just prepare to be thrilled to the core in the all new terrifying and extremely intense zombies mode. Whatever you do, Call of Duty: Black Ops is sure to provide you an awesome FPS experience!

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DatBoiCellist's picture

DatBoiCellist 5 years 10 months ago

A great new take on war games. Another breath of fresh air. Straying away from WW games seeing the Vietnam War close hand was a fun and interactive experience.

Rallans's picture

Rallans 9 years 2 weeks ago

"I rode a tank Held a general's rank When the blitzkrieg raged And the bodies stank.." I love this particular scene, commanding a boat through "a hornet's nest", blowing everything in your path... Great storyline and definitely great soundtrack.

Ak47bdullah's picture

Ak47bdullah 9 years 4 weeks ago

This game in itself was highly attractive with the highest grossing sales of its time. The different sized maps as well as the ability to make numerous profiles in the multiplayer option makes it even more easier. Newer range of weapons with realistic target ranges and recoil, this game has taken a huge step from its predecessor with the added option of Zombies.

ekim412's picture

ekim412 9 years 1 month ago

Being released right after Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops had huge standards to live up to. Personally, I felt that Black Ops was a step down from Modern Warfare 2 in the online multiplayer game mode, but the special ops and campaign modes were slightly better with the introduction of Zombies. All in all, Black Ops was a success considering how high the bar was set by Modern Warfare 2.

makhan129's picture

makhan129 9 years 1 month ago

Veitnam missions,epic weapons,ice missions, ballistic soundtrack and battlefield makes you feel like shrouding in the real bullets and action. The best part is its story and gamplay goes along with all of your emotions what ever you have inside,at the stake of your heart and twists it got makes it heart breaking.Graphics, quick scoping,story,missions, evrything is perfect, which makes it must to play for every gamer of every type. Its MP is more epic than its SP and even hotter than your gf/bf.

johnlcb's picture

johnlcb 9 years 1 month ago

the action is felt from the corners of your ears with the epic soundtrack that does not stop stop listening even asleep and graphic effects that will make you jump of the armchair by the suspense in each missionblack ops brings it all with a large arsenal of weapons in a conflict in Vietnam brings the darkest of that time an interactive multiplayer maps of that time and well distributed for fun and will keep your mouth opened if you are a fan of first person shooters you should get it

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