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Borderlands (2009)

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Welcome to Pandora, where barren wastelands and isolated communities are all that is left of what was thought to be a planet full of mining resources. On this dangerous planet, bandits and deadly beasts with bullet-proof armor roam the lands searching for prey.

Players play as one of four 'vault hunters' that have arrived on the planet to find the mysterious Vault, said to contain advanced alien technology and secrets. In Borderlands, players will have a wide arsenal of weapons to kill monsters, level up, grab loot and save Pandora from bandits, all while trying to find the Vault, and the mysteries it contains.

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MaxwellDenton's picture

MaxwellDenton 6 years 4 months ago

The best part, for me at least, was all the loot-grabbing from dead enemies. The combination of RPG and FPS elements created a unique shooter with a touch of comic book flavor. If you're looking for an FPS to occupy your gameplay time, this is one to look at.

Rallans's picture

Rallans 9 years 2 weeks ago

The one thing that stand out when playing Borderlands, is the crazy tune called "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked". Fast action packed shooter with a plain touch of comic. The song relate to the game very much I think.

AzaleaValkyrie's picture

AzaleaValkyrie 9 years 3 weeks ago

I’m not much for FPS games, but I make the exception for Borderlands. The setting, characters, and dialogue are endearing and unique—to the point that it’s easy to forget that it’s a work of fiction. The real world seems a lot less interesting once you step away from Borderlands.

belsken's picture

belsken 9 years 1 month ago

The loot-grabbing addiction is strong with this one. Borderlands features randomly-generated guns in near-infinite combinations. The story and characters are over-the-top and darkly humorous. Four playable and customizable characters give the game some replay value. If you're into four-player cooperative combat and looting, give Borderlands a shot.

ellecrossing's picture

ellecrossing 9 years 1 month ago

Borderlands is insane and insanely enjoyable. The arsenal alone is a huge draw, not to mention the outlandish story and characters who make this game distinctive. It is silly, dark humored, and terribly fun- a perfect way to unwind from a stressful day.

addroddyn's picture

addroddyn 9 years 1 month ago

If I had to describe Borderlands in one sentence, it would be "Fallout on cocaine." It is fun, it is over the top, with a HUGE arsenal of guns and more quests than you know what to do with. Although the end of the story is a bit of a letdown, the journey there is packed with fun. Of course, it is strongly recommended that you play with friends - the more people in a game session, the harder it gets, and it is very satisfying to see how the different classes compliment each other.

Zombiesatemymailbox's picture

Zombiesatemymailbox 9 years 1 month ago

Borderlands is an explosive and wild shooter, brimming with dark humor and style. The game features a vibrant and gritty characters who face off against savage baddies, hunt loot, and search for a mysterious vault. Players have a wide arsenal of weapons and skills for taking on this apocalyptic world.

rpgkyle's picture

rpgkyle 9 years 1 month ago

Borderlands has an excellent combination of shooter and rpg elements. This game also boasts colorful, unique characters, endless kinds of guns, many hours-worth of missions, and an atmosphere that will make you chuckle when you blow off a Psycho Midget’s limbs with your shotgun. Borderlands is a post-apocalyptic joy ride.

GWalsh81's picture

GWalsh81 9 years 2 months ago

Borderlands stands apart from most FPS games with its mix of RPG elements, quirky humor and huge open game world. The story is highly entertaining and the many missions will keep you playing for hours. Grinding for weapons is given a new meaning with thousands of different versions and types of guns including pistols that shoot rockets! Like most FPS games there is also PvP included for those that want a break from the grind. I would have give Borderlands a rating of 9/10!

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