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Bastion (2011)

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Judged by: 40 gamers
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The Calamity destroyed the city of Caelondia, but The Kid survived. The Kid set off, trying to find out what happened, and how he could fix it. Fighting the monsters that had come to claim what was left of the lands, the Kid found another survivor - at the Bastion. With the only opportunity to revive Caelondia, the Kid sets off to find cores that can perhaps undo the damage of the Calamity and help save what's left of the world.

In Bastion, players take to rebuilding a destroyed city, by searching for and retrieving cores, all while fighting a range of foes, from monsters to enemies and meeting new allies as they try to find and restore what they can of a broken world.

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NeilGeorge's picture

NeilGeorge 9 years 1 month ago

If you've shown enough interest to bother with reading this review, it is probably safe for you to go buy the game right now. This is a gem of a game that oozes with style and keeps things fresh enough that it never outstays its welcome.

Max777's picture

Max777 9 years 1 month ago

Bastion is a simple yet fun game that presents a good challenge for those looking to sweat or can be a great exploration through a well-crafted story, which is told from the point of view of an old man. As you play, he makes comments about what the character is doing, which I found to be a nice touch. The OST is great. The amount of skills is small, but it doesn't feel limited. As the character grows, more options become available to keep things fresh. It's short, but really enjoyable.

Blizpeak's picture

Blizpeak 9 years 2 months ago

This is a game that--while graphically stunning with a record-breaking OST--forces you to finish without too much delay. Otherwise, if you’re anything like me, you have to train quite a bit just to remember the controls. Luckily, Supergiant changed this interface in Transistor.

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