Assassin's Creed III

Assassin's Creed III
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Assassin's Creed III (2012)

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Judged by: 76 gamers
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Connor Kenway, a young half-Native American finds his village burned to the ground and himself as the sole survivor of this incident. Soon after, he discovers that he is destined to become an Assassin, in the footsteps of his ancestors, to fight the Templars and devote his cause to a war greater and far more ancient than the one already brewing on the North American continent...

In Assassin's Creed III, players are taken to the American War of Independence, a bloody conflict layered on an even bloodier conflict between the Assassins and Templars, who now vie for supremacy over uncharted lands, to seize artifacts of unmeasurable power.

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Chodale's picture

Chodale 4 years 3 months ago

Moving to America made AC lose nothing of it's originality in storytelling and creativity. This time open world is even more detailed and diverse, action has some new features and story is pretty well written.

MaxwellDenton's picture

MaxwellDenton 6 years 3 months ago

Even if you aren't in it for the gameplay, this installment gives an excellent insight into United States history. That was probably my favorite part of the whole thing.

RKChauhan's picture

RKChauhan 7 years 8 months ago

A little disappointing with its initial glitches but not the worse. However an enjoyable game with some new features implemented like tree climbing..

JC's picture

JC 9 years 2 days ago

III is the weakest contribution to the AC franchise, and it shows with forgettable quests, underutilized ship levels and awkward cultural appropriation. Some redeeming features though are the addition of hunting and improved stealth, trading and an engrossing storyline. Play it if you’re a completionist, otherwise skip straight to AC IV: Black Flag.

JonathonWW's picture

JonathonWW 9 years 1 week ago

Like an irritable teenager, Assassin’s Creed III has fully developed all the bad habits of Ubisoft’s annual series. Dull, repetitive mechanics drive most of the games side-quests, while the addition of duel wielding makes the series’ simple combat even simpler. My advice? Rent it for the on par story.

makhan129's picture

makhan129 9 years 1 week ago

Comparing AC III with previous Installments it has some glitches in story but gamplay and graphics are amazing. xtreme level hunting and levels design of norhtern region. It sets an unbeatable trend in culture variations, norm, better knockout techniques and end level historical adventurous free roaming but there has been glitches in AI of AC III in its stealth but stealth is awsome while doing roaming (hunting, side missions). The free roaming is as good as it made me roam in dreams for days.

levi1492's picture

levi1492 9 years 2 weeks ago

AC III is a near miss for the series. While the story is engaging the gameplay leaves much to be desired. The level design does not have the same flow as previous series installments. And while the main story is quite a delight the side missions feel forced and forgettable.

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