So Who Is She?
With the upcoming release of Metal Gear Solid 5:Phantom Pain on consoles in September, Konami hopes to bring a new take on the Metal Gear Solid series. Of the characters introduced in Phantom Pain, none have sparked as much interest as the character named Quiet. Here's a list of 10 things you're going to need to know about her.
1. Quiet can't talk
Appropriately enough, Quiet is described as "a sniper deprived of her words." Kojima himself has confirmed in an interview with 4gamer that, outside of a few grunts, Quiet does not speak at all. The reason for this has yet to be revealed, but fans speculate that this could be the result of how she gained her superhuman powers (more on that later) or from being tortured by Ocelot.
That's gonna leave a mark
2. She can turn invisible
As seen in this trailer, Quiet But Not Silent, Quiet is able to turn invisible on a whim.
You can turn invisible all you want, we can still see how attractive you are through thermal vision
What’s interesting about this is that when she turns invisible, it looks as though her skin becomes transparent first before the rest of her turns full invisible. Kojima has yet to reveal any specifics on how this ability works or how Quiet even got these powers, but being invisible certainly makes sniping a lot easier.
3. Quiet can also run at high speeds
If you thought full invisibility was crazy, Quiet is also able to run at extreme speeds. This was first shown in the TGS demo at 8:56, where the player orders Quiet toward a location. In response, she cloaks and immediately speeds away in a puff of dust.
Quiet clearly running away from all of the people criticizing her outfit
4. Despite her strengths, Quiet has a weakness
While these abilities all sound amazing, Kojima has hinted that Quiet's amazing abilities will come with a weakness that is tied directly into the story of MGS V. We're just going to have to stay tuned to find out what can stop her. Fans speculate it is directly tied into why her outfit looks the way it does.
Seriously Quiet, you're like the bad ass love child of The Flash and the Predator
5. Quiet's outfit choice is causing a lot of controversy online
After the first screenshots of her were revealed, gamers and nongamers alike were pointing out that Quiet was the epitome of video games objectifying women. A woman running around a forest whilst shooting bad guys in a tiny black bra, ripped stockings and a thong? That totally sounds logical. But this point of criticism has been met with extreme disagreement by other fans on the grounds that the Metal Gear Solid series has been known for its outrageously dressed characters, male and female alike. However, the announcement that Quiet’s action figure will feature squeezable breasts has not helped this argument at all.
PlayArtsKAI's Quiet is coming soon. Yoji, a supervisor says some soft materials enables to be pushed & lifted. lol pic.twitter.com/LtvO0g8PpL”
At least the sculpting looks nice
6. But there's a reason for her clothing choice
Regardless of the opinions on how Quiet should be dressed, Kojima has tweeted that once the reason for her outfit has been revealed, fans will feel guilty for criticizing this character, and they will see how it fits into the overall theme of MGSV.
Some fans believe that her outfit is tied into her strengths and weaknesses
While the actual reason has yet to be revealed, fans speculate that in order for her to run at high speeds and turn invisible, Quiet needs to absorb as much sunlight as she can through her bare skin. As a result, less clothes would allow her to absorb more sunlight, while putting more clothes on her could cut her off from her power source.
Another fan theory suggests that she has to wear revealing clothing because her bare skin is what’s allowing her to turn fully invisible. This theory is a bit problematic since Quiet can still turn her underwear completely invisible.
7. Quiet can be deployed in-game through the buddy system
In game, Quiet can be summoned to help you through MGSV’s Buddy System. This system allows you to call different NPCs to your aid during missions. Quiet is able to scout enemy locations and snipe enemies from a s
afe distance.
Mail-order snipers are on sale today!
8. Stefanie Joosten provides the voice, face and motion capture for Quiet
According to Kojima, Joosten was very skilled when it came to performing action sequences, but since she had never held a sniper rifle before, he asked her to practice at home for this part.
Take that floor!
9. Quiet is definitely not Chico
Fans believed that, due to his trauma at the end of MGSV: Ground Zeroes, Chico had a sex change and became Quiet. This theory gained more traction when fans discovered that Joosten was voicing both Chico and Quiet. However, while this was an interesting theory, both Kojima at TGS and Stefanie Joosten (on episode 9 of the Kojima Station) have confirmed that Quiet is not Chico.
I can see a bit of a resemblance though
10. Big Boss is foreshadowed to kill her
Despite saving Big Boss at some unknown time, Big Boss still states that he's going to be the one to kill Quiet because she has to die eventually. This could explain her absence in the later games of MGS. Kojima has also hinted at this by stating that whether Quiet is “friend or foe has yet to be revealed.”
This is not the face of mercy
Now we wait...
There you have it, 10 things you need to know about Quiet. Now all we have to do is wait for September 1st to roll around and we can finally learn more about her past and the nature of her powers.