And it's not even free-to-play. Here's why people keep playing the game despite its price tag.
For starters, Final Fantasy is a long-existing series of RPGs that has been a part of most gamers’ playing history and it involves saving the world from the brink of destruction while brandishing legendary swords (Why hello there, Ultima Weapon) and invoking arcane magic to slay monsters for quick gil or expensive loot.
In the advent of free-to-play and freemium PC MMORPGs ranging from the simple, point-and-click ones to the intricately-designed, action-oriented masterpieces, Square Enix offers Final Fantasy 14, a combination of signature, epic FF gameplay with neat multiplayer features that may leave you glued to your system for hours - and you would definitely shell out cash to keep staying in its realms.
If you’re new to the series, wanting to experience a grand adventure SE has been renowned for, or a die-hard fan of the FF series who loves seeing Easter eggs and nuances derived from former titles, this game is for you. Here's a quick list of five awesome things you'll love about Final Fantasy 14:
1. Rich Storyline
Heavensward - where ambitions soar higher than where your wings can take you.
After a dream sequence as the Adventurer travels to the starting cities: the serene woods of Gridania, the majestic sands of Ul’dah, or the busy port city of Limsa Lominsa, FF 14 summons you into a world where people start from small beginnings, taking minor quests and gaining fame as you are told of your uncanny resemblance to the legendary Warriors of Light upon joining an Adventurer’s Guild. Soon, you gain stronger, more bizarre visions, and you’ll eventually learn how your existence as the representative of the Mothercrystal is important in preserving the state of the world you live in. As with many MMORPGs, the storyline is sometimes ignored, but in FF 14, the plot is weaved into the game that it intrigues and tempts you to continue unravelling the lore as it opens up the mystical world even further. Heavensward, the upcoming expansion to be released in June 2015, will certainly bring the adventure to greater heights as the epic lore continues.
2. Stunning Visuals and Music
If dungeons are these nice; selfies are required BEFORE kicking monster butts.
Eorzea, the game’s main continent, provides major eye-candy as it literally pops out the screen in an array of textures the moment the game loads – from lush forests to pristine beaches, and it even has a sandbox of a desert to boot. Any time is a good time to take a candid photo alone or with your friends, whether in the midst of battle with a world boss or in gloomy fishing spot while wrestling with your rod in hopes of a big catch.
Dragonsong: tales woven for aeons, spoken through a minstrel's lips.
Coupled with music of Nobuo Uematsu, Masayoshi Soken, Naoshi Mizuta, Ryo Yamazaki, Tsuyoshi Sekito and Ai Yamashita, the game’s contemporary orchestrated pieces transform a mundane, sit-around-and-relax atmosphere where a player hangs out and mixes potions on a lazy day to a heart-pumping, almost panic-inducing trance as Adventurers engage in wide-scale, epic FATE (Full Active Time Event) skirmish. As one of the modern iterations of the Final Fantasy series, FF 14 never fails to deliver a memorable audio-visual experience that rings in the head even after logging out for a break.
3. Character Customization and Class Specialization
Every detail counts.
For those picky with their avatar looks, you’re in luck. With five races to choose from: the human Hyur, elven Elezen, cute and tiny Lalafells, feline Miqo’te and giant Roegadyn, the possibilities are endless. Want a tall cat-lady spamming spells? How about a pointy-eared archer? Everything can be customized, from head to toe, voice and all.
Whether you raid the frontlines or chill out away from the chaos, there's a job that suits your fancy.
Class changes can be done in as little as a few seconds too with quick equipment swaps – that goes into saying that they're way faster than magical girl transformations. With this in mind, players can level up the class just by continuing the adventure with an arcane Grimoire or a cast-iron Skillet, and specialize after gaining class levels. Upon reaching class level 30, you can specialize to get the class’ respective Crystal imbued with the deeds of warriors before your time, breaking the limits of your class, allowing you to utilize Job-specific skills.
4. Persistent-World Gameplay
The city of the north - where flying is the same as breathing.
Civilization clusters are teeming with Adventurers mingling with each other, trading their wares and spoils of war; cities are bustling with activity the whole day long. As you exit the gates and head out for a hunt alone or with a party, the transition from free-roam to battle mode is seamless. Field monsters litter the terrain unlike some MMORPGs where battles are separated in instances - though there are some quests that only a party can enter (these are special cirmustances when you need to tackle an instanced raid dungeon). And as time ticks slowly in Eorzea, FATE encounters happen several times a day due to various triggers, calling out Adventurers to flock the location and complete it – ranging from collecting mysterious items to slaying a giant Titan. Talk about real-time tactical decisions when your friend messages you that Odin suddenly appeared while you’re busy haggling prices with a fellow merchant.
5. Easy-to-Learn Battle System
Questing alone is fun, but bashing a chunk of living armor or an oversized tortoise raises the fun factor by a notch.
Who doesn’t want a good fight? Battles commence real time in Eorzea, allowing you to quickly skim through fight-or-flight tactics before tackling a monster down. Should you choose to engage, the encounter unfolds. Real Time Battle system allows you to issue commands quickly and easily to attack, defend, or use special skills. “Strength in numbers” ring true in this game too. Aside from the relative decrease of combat difficulty for every addtion of a reliable team member in a party, Limit Breaks return as party skills triggered as players perform actions in battle; Cloud’s trusty Buster Sword emerges with Braver, wreaking havoc to a hostile enemy, while the ominous Meteor spells destruction to its point of touchdown - literally. The future Heavensward expansion promises a new set of class-specific Limit Breaks which will add variety to the existing battle scheme too.
Whether you’re a new MMORPG player or a hardcore fan of the series, Final Fantasy 14 delivers a rich, immersive experience that Square Enix has been renowned for years. What’s in store for you in the realm of Eorzea, future Adventurer?