The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable
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The Stanley Parable (2013)

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Stanley works in an office building, where his sole job is to press buttons on a keyboard as instructed. When his workflow is disrupted one day, Stanley steps out of his office to realise that it is entirely abandoned and that he is hearing a strange voice in his head. As Stanley goes forth to explore his office building, the choices he makes will take him on completely different routes.

The Stanley Parable is an art game that explores the meaning of choice and decisions, as Stanley explores a mysterious world in his building, and a narrator struggles to build a story about his decisions, making for a strange and entertaining ride.

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Ogrelord's picture

Ogrelord 2 years 5 months ago

Portal but somehow more British.

Grithe's picture

Grithe 4 years 1 month ago

They put a lot of thought into responding to seemingly mundane or very out of the ordinary things to decide to do. The Narrator's voice is fantastic. It is worth watching playthrough if you can not afford to buy it. It is still a great experience.

Neo1988's picture

Neo1988 8 years 4 weeks ago

Simple game that is not so simple after all. A must play. Because it will make you think. Because you will want to discover every ending. Because it is fun and addictive.

TrueBolt's picture

TrueBolt 9 years 1 month ago

Just like Angry Birds and Minecraft, this game has that hook that makes you want to play it over and over for hours and hours. You can listen to the Narrator forever as he tells your not so simple story, giving you directions to ignore or follow at your leisure.

BlountyNG's picture

BlountyNG 9 years 1 month ago

Who doesn't like being mocked, especially while playing video games? well I guess a lot of people, but not me I revel in it and I take it at face value that I am a member of the disgusting race colloquially known as "gamers" but why should that stop anyone else from enjoying this master piece of a game, although without much game play itself, this is more of a walking simulator, and we all know we hate doing that in real life. So even better that we can grab that pedometer and shake it around with one hand while holding down the W key with the other... 1000 steps here I come! But in all realities this game is a great time waster with a lot of comedic writing that will make you want to get all endings. I definitely enjoyed it and It opened up many doors for my choices in games, but don't walk through the left one. I SAID DON'T WALK THROUGH THE LEFT ONE! ... oh Stanley why do you choose to ignore me?