[Top 15] Best Spaceship Games For PC

The draw of spaceships in the vast outreaches of space captures our imaginations like nothing else.

These giant metallic interstellar chariots represent the endless possibilities of exploration, adventure, and potential space plunder.

The desire for the unknown is reflected in our fascination with spaceships. 

Spaceships have become an essential part of science fiction games and the genre due to their futuristic designs and the promise they hold for exploring the galaxies.


15. Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

Cosmoteer Gameplay Trailer (2023)

Cosmoteer places players into the role of a starship architect and commander, where space becomes their canvas for creating marvels. 

The game is set in a universe where players have the power to design, build, and command their own starships. As the creator of the fleets, your objective is to navigate through the challenges of space, engage in epic battles, and strategically outsmart your enemies.

The uniqueness of Cosmoteer lies in its focus on creative ship design, decision-making, and real-time combat, offering an immersive experience where their ingenuity shapes the destiny of their intergalactic fleet.


14. EVE Online

EVE Online - Official Gameplay Trailer - Play Free!

Eve Online, a large player-driven sandbox universe, calls players to be immersed in a large player-driven world set in the distant future.

Within this expansive world, players take the roles of spaceship pilots or capsuleers, exploring a galaxy filled with politics, economics, and large space battles.

As the main character, you become a part of the web of alliances and conflicts, working to carve out a legacy in the galaxy.

The game's uniqueness lies in its player-driven economy, dynamic politics, and the freedom for players to shape the storyline through their actions.

Eve Online is more than a game, to some players it's a living, breathing universe shaped by their decisions and hours of playtime.



EVERSPACE 2 | PC Launch Trailer

Everspace 2 takes players on a journey through an expertly crafted, open-world space environment. 

As the main character, a pilot seeking answers to their mysterious past, your goal is to explore the galaxy, uncover secrets, and fight in intense and challenging dogfights.

The game combines elements of fast-paced space combat, exploration, and role-playing, offering a blend that sets it apart. 

What separates Everspace 2 is its visuals, attractive story, and the ability for players to upgrade and customize their ships, allowing for a personalized experience.

Set off on an adventure where the space becomes your playground, and the stars hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of your character.


12. Star Wars: Squadrons

Star Wars: Squadrons – Official Reveal Trailer

Squadrons place players in the Star Wars universe, giving players an intense starfighter combat experience.

Set after the Galactic Civil War, players are elite pilots for either the Republic or the Empire, in dogfights during iconic starship battles.

The game's setting captures the feel and love of the Star Wars saga, featuring highly detailed starfighters and iconic locations.

As the main character, your goal is to prove your combat skills, participating in fleet battles and becoming a vital pilot in the ongoing war between good and evil.


11. Avorion

Avorion - Launch Trailer

Avorion is a procedurally generated galaxy filled with endless possibilities. In this space sandbox, you’re placed in a vast universe where you can explore, trade, mine, and build a customizable starship.

As the protagonist, your objective is to explore the galaxy, enhance your spacecraft, establish alliances, and bravely engage in space warfare.

What sets Avorion apart is its focus on player-driven content, allowing you to shape your universe with factions and challenges.

The blend of sandbox freedom, co-op multiplayer options, and ship construction make Avorion a standout experience.


10. No Man’s Sky

No Man's Sky - Reveal Trailer

No Man’s Sky throws players into a procedurally generated, virtually infinite universe. 

The game's setting is an unexplored galaxy filled with planets, each with its unique ecosystems, creatures, and landscapes.

As the main character, your goal is to explore the planets, gather resources, trade, and uncover the mysteries of the universe. 

No Man’s Sky stands out due to its overall scale, it originally started with issues but over time became an amazing game that allows for seamless planetary exploration and interstellar travel.

The game's focus on discovery encourages players to chart their course through the universe with an interconnected multiplayer experience, making No Man’s Sky an infinite adventure.


9. Space Engineers

Space Engineers Trailer 2014

Space Engineers is an open-world sandbox set in space. 

The game takes place in a vast galaxy that inspires boundless creativity. Players have the role of explorers and architects, tasked with creating ships, stations, and even entire planetary communities.

As the player, your goal is to gather resources, refine them, and use them to build a ship to explore new planets for more resources.

Space Engineers stands out due to its limitless stance on player-driven creation, you're allowed to shape your world with intricate designs and machinery.

Despite initial challenges, the game has grown, offering an experience that inspires the spirit of creativity and space exploration.


8. Star Citizen

Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 Gameplay Trailer

Star Citizen invites players into a detailed space simulation universe.

Set in an expansive and interconnected galaxy, the game's setting is a futuristic world where players can seamlessly transition between spacefaring and planetary exploration.

 As the main character, your goal is to navigate this universe, doing various jobs to make money like trading, combat, and exploration.  

Star Citizen stands out due to its unmatched scale and attention to detail, it has an immersive experience where every action influences the universe.

The game's uniqueness lies in its realism, offering a living galaxy that continues to evolve, shaping an adventure that mirrors the complexity of the cosmos.

If you're a space lover and have patience I recommend checking it out though it is buggy at times when it does work the experience is fun.


7. X4: Foundations

X4: Foundations - Trailer 2018

X4: Foundations sets players in a universe where they can build and manage an entire space empire. 

The game's setting is an interconnected galaxy filled with factions, economies, and star systems.

As the main character, your goal is to expand your influence, manage trade routes, defend yourself in space combat, and take part in the political environment of the X4 universe.

 X4 stands out due to its gameplay mechanics, allowing players to become pilots / CEOs of their interstellar corporations.

The game's uniqueness lies in its combination of space exploration, empire-building, and decision-making.


6. Shortest Trip to Earth

Shortest Trip to Earth - Launch Trailer

The shortest Trip to Earth’s setting is a struggle for survival, guiding a spaceship through hostile sectors filled with danger. 

As the main character, your goal is to chart a course through the chaos, managing your resources, all while trying to survive combat.

Shortest Trip to Earth stands out due to its roguelike elements, challenging players with unexpected encounters. The game's uniqueness lies in its unpredictability.


5. Star Conflict

Star Conflict: Join The Fight

Star Conflict places players in intense space battles in a futuristic and competitive universe.

Set in a war-stricken galaxy, the game focuses on PVP battles and completing missions to hone your skills as a pilot.

Star Conflict stands out for its fast-paced gameplay, variation of ship classes, and focus on team-based combat. 

The game's uniqueness lies in its intense space combat experiences, giving an experience for those looking for some challenging dogfights.


4. Final Theory

Final Theory - GamePlay Trailer | SemiSoft

Final Theory offers a strategic approach to space warfare presenting a turn-based feel. 

The game's setting is a futuristic battleground where players engage in combat, commanding fleets and using advanced technologies to their advantage.

As the main character, your goal is to outmaneuver and outsmart the enemy on your mission for supremacy. 

Final Theory stands out for its focus on strategy-based decision-making, with fleet customization and some smart planning the game's turn-based nature provides an experience that requires a player to be cunning and cautious.


3. Starpoint Gemini Warlords

Starpoint Gemini Warlords - Launch Trailer

Starpoint Gemini Warlords thrusts players into the role of a warlord in the Gemini system mixing exploration, empire-building, and combat. 

The game's setting is an open-world Gemini system, where players command their fleets, build space stations, and defend themselves in combat.

As the main character, your goal is to rise to power, forge alliances, and take over territories. 

Starpoint Gemini Warlords stands out for its seamless mix of strategy and action, allowing players to experience space warfare while building and managing their empire.


2. Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Launch Trailer

Elite Dangerous is an enormous realistic space exploration experience in a completely open galaxy.

Set in a future where humanity has colonized the Milky Way, ED’s setting is a detailed 1:1 representation of our galaxy. 

Your goal is to pilot your ship trading, exploring, and fighting across a realistic recreation of space.

Elite Dangerous stands out for its pure unmatched scale, attention to scientific accuracy, and the amount of freedom it gives players to create their paths, for example, I primarily do passenger transport missions either luxury tourists or large group transit.

The game's uniqueness lies in its commitment to delivering an adventure, making every journey an immersive experience.


1. FTL: Faster Than Light

FTL Trailer

FTL: Faster Than Light places players into the chaos of space exploration with a roguelike twist. 

The game's setting is a journey through a procedurally generated galaxy, to deliver information to the Federation.

As the main character, your goal is to command your ship, manage your crew, and navigate through hostile areas. 

FTL stands out for its decision-making, real-time combat, and unpredictable challenges that each playthrough presents.

The game's uniqueness lies in its intense nature, offering a replayable experience where every decision can lead to victory or disaster.

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Galactic voyager, weaving pixels into cosmic tales. Suited in armor, I explore virtual worlds from bounty hunting to starry adventures. Joystick in hand I craft my digital odyssey among the stars.
Gamer Since: 2010
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Elite Dangerous, AC Unity, Hogwarts Legacy
Top 3 Favorite Games:Assassin's Creed 2 , Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Elite: Dangerous