Red Dead Redemption 2: 19 Horses Ranked, Worst To Best
Red Dead Redemption 2's primary traversal method is by horse, so it's only natural that there would be a variety of them. In order to fit different play styles of different players.
Although none of them are terrible, we can still rank them from worst to best.
19. Morgan
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 2
- Health: 2
- Stamina: 3
How to get it :
- -Buy it from the stable.
18. Kentucky Saddler
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 2
- Health: 3
- Stamina: 2
How to get it :
- Buy it from the stable
17. Tennessee Walker
Although they have a decent speed and stamina that you can use to chase or get to places quickly, they're still very bad for the fights you might encounter on the way there.
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 2
- Health: 3
- Stamina: 4
How to get it :
- Most of them can either be stolen or tamed from the wild
16. Belgian
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 3
- Stamina:3
How to get it :
- There are two coats, and Both the Blond Chestnut and Mealy Chestnut can be acquired by stealing.
15. Shire
Like the Belgian Shires pull wagons and coaches, they naturally tend to have higher stamina and health but lower speed and acceleration than riding horses.
It’s Stats:
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 2
- Health: 4
- Stamina: 4
How to get it :
Most of the coats in the Shire breed have to be stolen. Except for the Raven Black, which is acquired through the course of gameplay.
14. Suffolk Punch
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration:2
- Health: 4
- Stamina: 4
How to get it :
- Both Suffolk Punch coats types (Red Chestnut and Sorrel) can only be acquired by being stolen.
13. Appaloosa
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 3
- Stamina: 4
How to get it :
- Most of the coats are in the wild waiting to be tamed.
12. Nokota
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 4
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 3
- Stamina: 3
How to get it :
- The Blue and White Roan can be tamed in the wild
11. Thoroughbred
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 4
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 3
- Stamina: 3
How to get it :
Most coat types can only be tamed. But high-performance Brindle variant can be purchased at the Strawberry stable.
10. American Standardbred
The American Standardbred is classified as Racing Horses; this Horse Breed features four different coats and is average to high-tier horses, which highly depends on how you get it (tamed or bought)
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 4
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 3
- Stamina:3
How to get it :
- The black and buckskin coats can be tamed, and the silver tail buckskin is bought from a Tumbleweed stable, which has a point upon every stat.
9. American Paint
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 3
- Stamina: 4
How to get it :
- The Splashed White, Tobiano, and Overo are found in the wild. The high-performing bread '' Grey Overo '' can be bought from the Tumbleweed stable.
8. Hungarian Half Bred
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 4
- Stamina: 3
How to get it :
- Flaxen Chestnut Piebald Tobiano can be tamed in the wild. The higher-performing dapple dark grey can be bought from the valentine stable.
7. Mustang
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 4
- Health: 5
- Stamina: 5
How to get it :
- All of the mustang coats can only be obtained from the wild.
6. Dutch Warmblood
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 4
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 4
- Stamina: 6
How to get it:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 Dutch Warmblood HORSE LOCATION & ALL COATS & STATS GOOD HORSE GUIDE
5. Andalusian
Andalusians are among the best war-horses in the game; they're known for their excellent health and increased stamina, making them great for long journeys.
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 5
- Stamina: 7
How to get it :
4. Ardennes
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 3
- Acceleration: 3
- Health: 5
- Stamina: 7
How to get it :
- You can get the Strawberry Roan from Van Horn Trading Post stable.
- The Bay Roan can be bought from the Scarlett Meadows stable.
3. Missouri Fox Trotter
With incredible acceleration, health, and stamina, The Missouri Fox Trotter breed has the best base speed in the game.
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 7
- Acceleration: 5
- Health: 5
- Stamina: 6
How to get it :
- These horses may only be purchased from stables, and they cannot be tamed in the wild or stolen, so you'd have to buy it from the Scarlett Meadows Stable for $950.00
2. Turkoman
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 6
- Acceleration: 5
- Health: 7
- Stamina: 5
How to get it :
- Buy it from Stable in Saint-Denis for $925.00
1. Arabian
It’s Stats :
- Base Speed: 6
- Acceleration: 6
- Health: 5
- Stamina: 5
How to get it :
- How to Get the Arabian