Dota is a dynamic game, with massive changes occurring every patch. New patches have transformed some previously low-picked heroes into frequently picked superstars. These heroes range from helpful and strong supports to downright OP carry and mid heroes. With the advent of the 7.37c patch, some heroes have emerged from a deep slumber to cause utter chaos and domination on the battlefield.
To help you pick the right heroes for your ranked adventures, we bring you the Best 20 OP Heroes in the 7.37c patch. These heroes are very relevant in the current meta and assure you nothing but victory and domination over your foes!
20. Phoenix - Support

In 7.37c, If you’re lacking a support hero in your ranked games, Phoenix can fit the bill quite easily. He is gaining traction all thanks to his new Dying Light facet, which grants him a mini-radiance-like damage-dealing ability, that can massively slow down his enemies if they are not paying attention. Not only is he known to heal allies, but he can also deal AoE damage to his foes. Phoenix’s most important spell has to be the Fire Spirits, which not only does great damage to the hordes, it slows them and reduces their movement speed. The spirits can be prioritized and maxed first, this can prove to be useful in the late game.
In the early game, Phoenix can use his abilities to harass and zone out enemies in the lane while also providing sustenance to his allies. Supernova is a game-changer in team fights, forcing enemies to focus their attention on destroying the egg instead of attacking Phoenix's allies. As the game progresses, Phoenix can transition into a powerful team fight presence, providing crucial slows, debuffs, and heals to turn the tide of battles. A skilled Phoenix player can use his abilities to create chaos on the battlefield and disrupt the enemy team's plans.
What makes Phoenix an OP hero?
- Phoenix’s ultimate, Supernova, can turn the tide of team fights, making it an essential tool in team fights.
- Phoenix can harass enemies in the lane and support his carry with Fire Spirits, which reduces the enemy's attack speed and deals damage over time.
- Phoenix's Icarus Dive ability allows him to escape from dangerous situations while also initiating teamfights.
- With his new Dying Light facet, Phoenix deals massive damage in a 400 radius for every 4.5% of HP he is missing, allowing him to have that solid nuke potential.
- Phoenix is one of the few heroes in the game that rely primarily on their spells to have an impact as opposed to relying on their items.
Phoenix is strong against
- Templar Assassin - Her Refraction charges can and will be easily burned away by Phoenix's damage over time abilities, and Meld can't protect her from Phoenix's AoE abilities, even without detection.
- Earthshaker - Most of Phoenix's abilities disable Earthshaker's Blink Dagger for a good period due to the damage-over-time nature of its spells.
- Ancient Apparition - Supernova with or without Aghanim's Scepter allows to save an ally or himself through Ice Blast.
- Legion Commander - Phoenix can deal massive nukes to Legion while she is under Duel spell, while also slowing down her attack speed with spirits.
- Phantom Lancer - With all of his AoE damage, Phantom Lancer can’t have a decent laning phase, and if Phoenix snowballs into the late game, he can just punish the former with more nukes and disables such as Eul’s, Scythe of Vyse, or Shiva’s Guard.
Phoenix is weak against
- Huskar - Berserker's Blood will let Huskar easily face down a Supernova with increased attack speed.
- Bloodseeker - His Rupture can turn Icarus Dive into a suicide option, and it cannot be dispelled, meaning even if Phoenix completes a Supernova, choosing to Dive may just cut its health back down.
- Snapfire - Lil' Shredder can easily burst Supernova’s egg, especially when Supernova is at level 1, which only requires 6 hits to kill, as Lil’ Shredder's attack count is 6 even at level 1.
- Meepo - With all individual Meepo attacks counting separately on the Phoenix sun, he can quickly mow him down with a few hits while also making it hard for him to escape with Icarus dive, thanks to his net.
- Silencer - With a heavy disable like silence, Phoenix can’t run away or have an impact against Silence
19. Storm Spirit - Mid

The sensational and charming Storm Spirit is a top pick in 7.37c due to his high-octane gameplay. This is due to his highly active play style and fast farming speed against the likes of his contemporaries, from who he can easily escape. Widely regarded as a potent mid-laner and an escaping hero, Storm is mainly played as a fast-tempo hero, because he can gank other lanes and swiftly retreat to his lane to farm. His ultimate enables him to jump onto enemies and catch them off-guard. Late-game Storm is a disaster for the enemy team.
Storm Spirit fares well due to his ability to escape enemies and or initiate on them. His mobility is the key factor behind his getting picked. Storm also has various ways of disabling enemies, either with his Electric Vortex or with the items he builds. Most heroes find it hard to withstand the immense magical damage of Storm in the early game, though he can be countered when they get magic immunity and are disabled. But by the time they acquire these items, Storm already is six-slotted and ready to wreak electrifying havoc.
What makes Storm Spirit exceptional in the current meta?
- Storm is known for his early-game fight potential and damage, which is credited to his high mana gain and magical damage spells
- Storm Spirit is also a great team fighter, as with the right items, he can quickly end the game in sub-30 minutes.
- He is also a great crowd-control hero, a feat which he achieves with Electric Vortex, allowing him to be feared in the late-game, which is amplified once he gets Aghanim’s Scepter
- Along with having great early-game potential, Storm Spirit can also prove to be deadly in the late-game with the help of the right items.
Storm Spirit is good against
- Sniper - Sniper is very weak in the early game but does damage from a distance and Storm Spirit can Lightning Ball to the Sniper, and the Sniper has no way to escape.
- Ancient Apparition - Ancient Apparition is highly fragile in the early game, which prevents him from being in the frontlines, a trait that Storm Spirit can take advantage of with his ultimate.
- Queen of Pain- Although QoP can Blink away from Storm, he can use his ult to chase her down and hunt her in the early game.
- Mars- Storm can escape Mars’ ultimate with his own, while also being able to dodge Spear and God’s Rebuke if timed right.
- Terrorblade - Storm takes advantage of Terrorblade’s low agility by hunting him down with his spells, which can cause more harm if Storm gets his Orchid of Malovalence to silence him before he can use his Sunder.
Storm Spirit is bad against
- Death Prophet - AoE Silence can render not only one of the Storm but the whole enemy team useless!
- Nightstalker- Crippling Fear can last up to 8 seconds during the night, rendering Storm Spirit useless in a fight, especially during the night time.
- Lion- Lion’s Hex turns him into a frog, making him unable to use items or spells, which can further be followed up with Earth Spike and Mana Drain, reducing any impact that Storm can have in a fight.
- Shadow Shaman- Shackle can stop Storm in his tracks which can be followed up with Hex, allowing Shaman and his allies to beat him down.
- Doom - Doom prevents Storm Spirit from using all of his abilities and items by silencing him, rendering Storm Spirit useless in a fight.
Watch Miracle play Storm Spirit
18. Puck - Mid

With his lethal toolkit and facet updates, Puck can exhibit mass chaos in the 7.37c patch. Although relatively a mediocre laner and squishy in terms of HP, Puck can turn the tides around against enemies if he manages to secure his early game by farming sufficiently and ganking other lanes. Most enemies may prove to have the higher ground in the early game but in the late game, Puck can triumph with his Aghanim’s Scepter which helps him stop enemies in their tracks even if they have Black King Bar, with the help of Dream Coil.
There are various reasons why Puck is on this list. The right items at the right time allow him to sustain himself and deal lethal magical burst damage without worrying about the damage dished out by both magical and physical damage heroes. Puck is equally nimble and annoying, making it hard for enemies to catch him so easily. His items allow him to catch foes off-guard and deal high amounts of damage to them. Puck does more with levels as opposed to farming, and fighting is always the priority for him.
What makes Puck exceptional in the current meta?
- Puck can pull in or push out heroes with his new facet, allowing him that extra control which can prove to be massive in teamfight.
- Illusory Orb and Waning Rift provide immense mobility, allowing Puck to initiate on enemy heroes or to escape.
- Dream Coil's immense control is unstoppable during teamfights, and can also be used to control heroes or synergize with allied heroes.
- Dream Coil's prolonged duration combined with follow-up from allies will ensure excellent damage done to the foes
Puck is strong against
- Sniper - Sniper has no spells to disable the mischievous Puck.
- Terrorblade - All of Puck's spells deal AoE magic damage, focusing on Terrorblade's low-health pool and ignoring his armor.
- Void Spirit - Puck’s Waning Rift and Dream Coil prevent him from using two of his important mobility abilities: Dissimilate and Astral Step.
- Sniper - As Sniper relies heavily on dealing damage from a distance, the gap closer in the form of Blink as well as Illusory Orb can render him vulnerable and prone to massive damage.
- Invoker - Puck entirely disables Invoker’s damage and impact potential with his control as well as silence.
Puck is weak against
- Faceless Void - The Chronosphere can end a Puck's life quickly.
- Nightstalker - Crippling Fear silence can prevent Puck from casting spells, leaving it vulnerable to physical as well as magic damage.
- Wraith King - Waning Rift's silence is ineffective against Wraith King, as he only has 1 active ability.
- Silencer - With a clutch disable, Silencer can prevent Puck from using items or being impactful in a teamfight
- Doom - Once silenced and disabled, Puck has minimum options for survival. With the new update, surely Puck can use Eul’s whilst doomed, however, chances are that Doom might have backup which can end up stunning and leaving the faerie dragon dead.
17. Sand King - Offlane

Bow to the liege of the King of the desert! Sand King has always been a strong offlane hero, primarily due to his pushing and nuking potential. However, with the addition of the Stinger ability, which does massive AoE damage, and the Dust Devil facet, which allows the Sand Storm to move along with Sand King, his pick rate has soared. It was evident in the International 13 as well, where he was a favorable offlane pick for most teams.
Sand King fares well against most heroes, especially if they are melee. He may have a hard time getting harassed in the laning phase, but the late game is effortless dominance with Bloodstone and Blink. Along with fighting, Sand King can farm and push lanes with his Stinger and Sand Storm. Apart from dealing lethal AoE damage, SK is ready to rotate to other parts of the map. All it takes is one Blink Dagger or Veil of Discord for him to dominate and destroy his enemies!
What makes Sand King OP?
- Sand King deals massive AoE damage right from the early game, allowing him to fight and farm quickly.
- He also has Burrowstrike while stuns multiple enemies at once, allowing him to initiate a teamfight.
- Sand King builds initiation items, which allow him to start the teamfight for his team and catch his enemies off guard.
- Although Sand King is picked primarily in the offlane, he can also be picked in the mid-lane in favorable matchups.
Sand King is good against
- Phantom Assassin - While Phantom Assassin does amazing physical damage, she lacks the magical immunity in the early game, which Sand King can take advantage of with his high magical damage dealing spells.
- Meepo - Sand King can deal AoE damage and stun multiple Meepos with Burrowstrike, making him ineffective in this matchup.
- Nature’s Prophet - Sand King can stun Nature’s Prophet, preventing him from teleporting, and can one-shot his treants with Stinger.
- Luna - Sand King can escape Eclipse with Burrowstrike, he can also build Eul’s, Crimson Guard, and Pipe to counter her damage.
- Broodmother- With AoE damage of Stinger and Burrowstrike, Brood and her spiders can be easily obliterated.
Sand King is bad against
- Zeus - Zeus can nuke down Sand King with his massive spell damage, making it hard for him to lane or land spells.
- Silencer - Silencer can disable Sand King from the fights by silencing him and dealing decent damage over time, disabling his Blink Dagger as well.
- Earth Spirit - Earth Spirit has massive damage over time as well as silence which can make him a nuisance against Sand King.
- Drow Ranger - Drow Ranger can use Gust to silence Sand King while dealing massive physical damage to him, as she is also a ranged hero, it is hard for him to reach to her if he is silenced.
- Rubick - Rubick can displace Sand King with Telekinesis while also stealing his spells to push lanes and dish out amplified magic damage back to him.
16. Treant Protector - Support

Behold, the watcher of the forest! Treant Protector is an ideal support hero if your enemies have squishy and feeble laners. His high physical damage allows him to beat his enemies to a pulp while slowing them down and healing your allies for a decent duration. The reason he is frequently picked in the current patch is his lockdown potential which allows his team to follow up with damage and win a teamfight easily.
Treant does not rely on items to have an impact on the game, as all he needs is his ultimate to prove impactful. Going the standard Solar Crest, Blink Dagger, Shard, Lotus Orb, and Force Staff build allows Treant to have mobility as well as the durability to withstand damage in a teamfight. From an initiator to a fighter, the wooden giant is a menace in any matchup! His heals can save both allies and towers in the teamfight!
What makes Treant Protector OP?
- Treant Protector has massive healing potential which not only can be used on allies but also on towers, making it hard for enemies to push lanes.
- Treant also offers massive crowded control potential with the help of his ultimate, allowing his allies to follow up with massive damage,
- Treant has high base damage which he can use to his strength to shove enemies out of the lane
Treant Protector is good against
- Spirit Breaker - Spirit Breaker’s low attack speed is ineffective against Living Armor.
- Anti-Mage - Anti-Mage relies on blinking and attacking. Overgrowth prevents both.
- Lycan - Overgrowth roots and disables Lycan, who heavily relies on his mobility to have an impact in the early game.
- Drow Ranger - Drow has no mobility, making her an easy target for the Treant.
- Storm Spirit - If Storm Spirit is caught in Treant’s ultimate, he is prone to dying.
Treant Protector is bad against
- Monkey King - Monkey King can from Treant’s onslaught by jumping on trees and catching him when the latter tries to hide in them
- Phantom Lancer - Doppelganger dispel Leech Seed. It can also destroy large amounts of trees, making it hard for Treant to hide.
- Rubick - All of Treant Protector's abilities are worth stealing, and Rubick can cast them with no cast time.
- Slardar - Corrosive Haze can be used to reveal Treant Protector even when he is invisible.
- Timbersaw - As Timbersaw can cut through trees, Treant is unable to hide or escape in them.
Watch DuBu play Treant Protector
15. Clockwerk - Support

Clockwerk, the mechanical genius is quite a common sight in the current meta, as he is often seen picked against various enemies as he can easily disrupt enemy onslaught with his Hookshot. He is played as a roaming support, as early rotations can cause great damage to potent and vulnerable heroes. With his spells, Clock can easily stun and trap enemies even if they have Black King Bar, he is a thorn in the backside of enemies with the ultimate into Cogs combo.
The scout potential with Rocket Flare can help track enemy locations and potentially remove them from teamfights. Most enemies can lane well and deny farm to Clockwerk in the laning phase but Clock as we know relies more on levels as opposed to farm to have an impact in the game. Items just amplify his impact in the late game. Clockwerk is a fun addition to your hero pool as having an initiator on your team is always a great addition.
What makes Clockwerk OP?
- Clock’s ultimate allows him to initiate on enemies from a significant distance and stun them for a brief duration.
- Power Cogs highly limits enemy positioning, potentially wasting the duration of Black King Bar in a team fight if Clockwerk gets to use Hookshot.
- Clock relies more on spells as compared to items to have an impact on the game.
- Battery Assault makes it hard for enemies to fight Clockwerk inside his Power Cogs.
Clockwerk is good against
- Earthshaker - Clockwerk can use Rock Flare to spot Earthshaker and ruin his chances of getting a good Echo Slam
- Sniper - As Sniper deals damage from a distance, Clock can close the gap with his Hookshot, catching him off-guard
- Spirit Breaker - Clockwerk can catch Spirit Breaker if he is charging in or out of the fight with his spells.
- Enigma - Even with Black King Bar, Enigma’s Blackhole can be interrupted with the help of Hookshot as it pierces spell immunity.
- Monkey King - As Rocket Flare provides vision, it can be used to catch Monkey King in the trees, making it hard for him to escape
Clockwerk is bad against
- Huskar - Huskar has high damage-dealing potential with his ultimate, allowing him to deal massive damage even if he gets initiated on by Clockwerk with his combo.
- Phantom Lancer - With the help of the Doppelganger spell, Phantom Lancer can effortlessly escape the Power Cogs.
- Juggernaut - Although Juggernaut can be stunned even when his Bladefury is on, he can still sustain against Clock with the help of his ultimate and healing ward.
- Disruptor - Glimpse can easily counter Clockwerk’s Hookshot.
- Visage - With familiars, Visage can dodge Hookshot and deal massive damage to Clockwerk even he is trapped in the Cogs.
14. Luna - Carry
Luna, the Moon rider, is a popular hero for carry players looking to dominate the game. Her farming abilities and massive AoE damage output make her a force to be reckoned with. Although laning can be tough for Luna, she can fall back on the jungle to farm with the help of her Moon Glaives and decent early-game damage. Luna is a great pick for dealing with hybrid damage as her ultimate Eclipse deals an ungodly amount of magical damage which complements her physical damage. In 7.37c, we see Luna back in action as she is constantly picked due to the buffs to her ultimate and also to the general items she builds in the late game.
Luna's quick farming abilities and massive AoE damage output make her a prime pick for dealing with enemy heroes. She clears waves quickly, allowing her to farm and split push at an impressive pace. Other carry heroes often struggle to keep up with Luna if the game goes on for more than 40 minutes. Additionally, Luna can be paired with heroes who have massive crowd-control abilities, giving them an advantage over their weaker opponents.
What makes Luna OP?
- Luna has decent early-game potential, as all she needs is a Mask of Madness and a few levels to win a fight.
- Luna also has Moon Glaives which help her push lanes fast, making her decimate the enemy base if they do not retaliate
- Luna’s ultimate, Eclipse, is a classic teamfight spell that deals heaps of magic damage, essentially ending the game for squishy enemy heroes
Luna is good against
- Crystal Maiden - Lucent Beam is effective in canceling Crystal Maiden’s channeling ultimate.
- Riki - Luna can push very fast with Moon Glaives, while Riki has a hard time counter-pushing waves due to no AoE damage.
- Underlord - Eclipse can be devastating for Underlord's team when they're grouped up for Fiend's Gate, it can also be used to intercept arrivals with Fiend's Gate. Pit of Malice indeed will root Luna, but won’t stop her from casting her spells.
- Shadow Shaman - Luna's high magical damage burst from Lucent Beam and Eclipse can take advantage of Shadow Shaman's low health and strength gain
- Naga Siren - Luna can mow down Naga’s illusions with Moon Glaives and Lunar Blessing.
Luna is bad against
- Ancient Apparition - Ancient Apparition’s ultimate, Ice Blast negates any healing Luna receives even if she has Satanic or Black King Bar.
- Sand King - Burrowstrike allows Sand King to escape from Eclipse or to close the gap on Luna and finish her off.
- Slark - Slark can escape Eclipse with the help of his ultimate, Shadow Dance, making it hard for Luna to catch him since she is not mobile.
- Shadow Demon - Luna's illusions created by Disruption are very useful due to Moon Glaives. It will effectively counter Luna’s pushing potential.
- Bristleback - Lucent Beam and Eclipse will deal less damage to Bristleback if he is facing away from Luna.
13. Monkey King - Carry

Monkey King is a powerful damage-dealing carry hero who can dominate games with his mobility and lethal physical damage. His toolkit allows him to deal massive damage with his Jingu Mastery. Monkey King's Boundless Strike ability can be used to initiate fights and control the battlefield while his ultimate, Wukong's Command, can turn him into an unkillable clone army. He is a popular choice in both competitive and pub games in the 7.37 meta due to his massive buffs. There are also various builds that you can follow on Monkey King that allow you to stand your ground and be a resilient damage-dealing hero.
Monkey King’s damage combined with his immense fight potential has put him on this list. He can be played as a carry, making him a versatile pick for any team composition. Additionally, he is a strong laner and farmer, allowing him to gain an early advantage over his opponents. Monkey King's ultimate is especially potent in team fights, as the clone army can absorb incoming attacks and deal significant damage. He is a hero that can easily snowball out of control and take over the late game, making him a nightmare for any unprepared enemy team.
What makes Monkey King OP?
Monkey King has great damage right from the early levels, which makes his laning phase a cakewalk if paired with the right laner
His Boundless Strike ability deals massive critical damage, making it an excellent tool for bursting down enemy heroes.
If Monkey manages to get his ultimate soon, he can obliterate the enemies within no time with constant rotations, as he is one of those early game enders who do not need items to come online
He also has immense mobility with Tree Dance, allowing him to navigate through the map effortlessly
Monkey King is strong against
Meepo - Monkey King’s massive physical and AoE damage are hard to negate for the Meepo as he can gain the Jingu Stacks on all Meepo clones.
Nature’s Prophet - Sprout will not protect Nature's Prophet from Tree Dance.
Shadow Fiend - Requiem of Souls can easily be interrupted by Boundless Strike, due to its long cast time.
Skywrath Mage - Skywrath Mage's very low health allows Monkey King to gank him easily.
Silencer - Silencer's low mobility along with lack of stuns or roots makes him an easy target.
Monkey King is weak against
Batrider - Firefly allows Batrider to gain vision of Monkey King while he is on a tree, as well as destroying any nearby trees, stunning him for four seconds.
Beastmaster - Wild Axes can be used to chop trees, which reduces Monkey’s mobility massively.
Enigma - Midnight Pulse can destroy a large amount of trees.
Tusk - With Aghanim’s Scepter, Tusk can Walrus Kick Monkey King from his ultimate, reducing his impact on the game.
Clockwerk - Rocket Flare can catch Monkey King on the trees.
12. Mars - Offlane

The first son of heaven, Mars, is somewhat of the rage in the offlane. His exceptional tank potential and damage-dealing abilities rank him high up on this list. Mars is an exceptional hero if you want someone to tank out all the damage and lead the charge for your team, and a great wave-clear hero as well. He synergizes well with most heroes, making him a flexible pick in every game, and can withstand tonnes of damage with his flexible and reliable item build. He is also extremely durable due to his Bulwark, making him stand his ground in teamfights.
Mars is picked often due to his high reliability, allowing him to opt for multiple different builds according to the heroes he is facing, a luxury that not all heroes get to have. He is also an exceptional crowd control hero, courtesy of his ultimate, which prevents people from entering the Arena or dealing damage from outside of it. This way he can shield himself and his allies from enemy onslaught or corner certain enemy heroes and beat them down within no time under its duration, while also making him a tough nut to crack.
What makes Mars OP?
- The Bulwark spell makes it hard for Mars’ enemies to attack him, as he takes less damage if attacked from the front or the sides
- His Arena doesn’t allow him to get any damage dealt to him if it comes from outside of it, allowing him to isolate enemies and trap them inside, which is especially great with his Facet.
- Mars naturally has high HP and armor, he also builds high armor and HP items (ex. Assault Cuirass, Overwhelming Blink, Shiva’s Guard) which amplify his durability.
- Mars naturally has a great source of damage with his other spells as well, which also allows him to become a great crowd-control hero and deal copious damage deep into the late-game
Mars is strong against
- Juggernaut - Omnislash switches directions with each hit, allowing Mars to mitigate most of the damage, as he takes major damage on his backside..
- Bloodseeker - Arena Of Blood prevents Bloodseeker from attacking a Ruptured target.
- Phantom Assassin - Phantom Assassin's high physical damage is greatly reduced by Bulwark.
- Slark - With Mars’ constant pressure, Slark has a hard early game
- Spectre - Spectre is forced into the jungle, further impacting her farm if she is facing aggressive Mars in the laning phase.
Mars is weak against
- Axe - Berserker's Call forces Mars to face Axe in a certain direction, allowing him and his team to beat him down from the back.
- Lifestealer - Feast deals massive damage and heals based on enemy max health, which is perfect against high HP heroes like Mars.
- Riki - Blink Strike gives bonus backstab damage and can bypass Bulwark. Alternatively, it could be used to teleport away from Mars, especially while inside the Arena of Blood
- Batrider - Sticky Napalm slows turn rate, making it difficult for Mars to face frontwards, where Spear of Mars and Bulwark are effective.
- Faceless Void - Void can effortlessly escape Mars’ Arena with Time Walk; it can also be used to negate all the damage dealt with Arena and Spear Combo.
11. Doom - Offlane

Doom is a devastating enemy in this meta if you are playing a squishy carry hero. This demon has sent countless of his enemies to the realm of hell, and frankly, any hero right now is no exception! His abilities are highly lethal, as they deal high damage right off the bat. He is considered to be a great counterpick in the offlane regardless of the hero picked, due to the high early-game damage. The Infernal Blade damage and disable coming from his eponymous ultimate is the stuff nightmares are made of!
Doom is known to fight right from his early levels, courtesy of his devastating spells. He is regarded as one of the most deadly disablers in the current meta. Spell-casting heroes hate disabling as it makes them unable to cast any spells, rendering them useless in fights. Doom’s high base armor provides him sustain while fighting or jungling. All it takes is one Blink and Doom to get the puny enemy carry out of the fight, as most of them virtually have no way to counter Doom for a very long time.
What Makes Doom OP?
- High strength gain and base armor, making it easy for him to fight without taking much damage.
- Devour kills creeps instantly, granting gold and him the abilities of the creep.
- Scorched Earth deals massive AoE damage which accelerates his impact in fights.
- The ultimate Doom is great against mobile/slippery heroes as it silences and mutes them while making them take damage over time.
Doom is strong against
- Tinker - Doom prevents Tinker from using his spells and as the latter relies heavily on spellcasting, he is disabled from the fight.
- Timbersaw - As Timbersaw is high HP, Infernal Blade deals massive damage to him.
- Bristleback - Bristleback’s high HP and strength gain make him a good target for Infernal Blade.
- Spectre - Spectre’s impact is reduced when she is Doomed.
- Arc Warden - Arc’s spell damage and impact is lowered if Doom is used on him during a teamfight.
Doom is weak against
- Lifestealer - Rage reduces any damage dealt from Infernal Blade or Scorched Earth.
- Medusa - Mana Shield soaks up Doom’s damage while dealing massive damage to him as Doom doesn’t negate any physical damage.
- Phantom Lancer - With Diffusal, Phantom Lancer can disrupt Doom’s low mana pool, disabling him from casting his spells effectively.
- Centaur Warruner - Stampede can be used to save an ally before and after he is doomed.
- Wraith King - Wraith King relies more on physical damage, making Doom ineffective against him. Reincarnation counters doom
10. Enchantress - Support

This bubbly and friendly creature is a devastating force if bothered! Enchantress has the mystical force of nature beside her, guarding and coaching her through the deep forests. She is often overlooked due to her low base attack damage but that should not make you ignore her mid and late-game potential. She can work smoothly as a roaming and laning support, even playing in the offlane if needed. With upgrades to her facet and attribute gain, her abilities allow her to gank and deal some serious damage to her foes. Enchantress is in high demand due to her domination with her impressive buffed toolkit in the current meta.
Enchantress can be a great addition if your team lacks a support hero. Her versatility allows her to fit into various roles, which makes her quite flexible in the drafting stage. Enchantress can also easily transition into a semi-carry in the mid and late game if she is given the necessary items and space to farm. In the laning stage, she can harass enemies with her range and slowly chip away at their health, making it easier for her carry to secure kills. With the right positioning and timing, Enchantress can turn team fights in her team's favor with her abilities.
What makes Enchantress OP?
- Enchantress can use her enchant ability to take control of neutral creeps and use them to gank enemy heroes, making her a powerful ganker in the early game.
- With Nature's Attendants, Enchantress can heal herself and her allies in a team fight, giving her team an edge in long teamfights.
- Enchantress has a long attack range, allowing her to harass enemy heroes from a safe distance and secure last hits on creeps.
- With her ability to control neutral creeps, Enchantress can use them to push lanes and take down towers quickly.
Enchantress is strong against
- Lycan - Lycan relies primarily on physical damage making Untouchable very effective against him.
- Ember Spirit - If not timed properly, Impetus can deal massive damage to Ember Spirit when he uses a Fire Remnant to escape.
- Sven - Unless he has Silver Edge, Sven is unable to kill Enchantress due to her Untouchability spell.
- Beastmaster - Enchant spell can control Beastmaster's boars, reducing his impact in the laning stage.
- Ursa - Enchant’s strong dispel can purge Overpower while also slowing Ursa in the teamfight, which allows Enchantress to kite him easily.
Enchantress is weak against
- Broodmother - Broodmother deals massive damage to Enchantress with her spiderlings while the latter has no ways to stop the onslaught as she lacks AoE damage.
- Juggernaut - Bladefury and Omnislash deal effective damage to Enchantress during the laning phase
- Doom - Doom reduces the healing received by Enchantress and her allies from Nature's Attendants.
- Meepo - With Poof, Meepo can quickly kill Enchantress without having to hit her.
- Nyx Assassin - Nyx’s ultimate, Vendetta can burst down Enchantress, while also applying break, making it easy for his allies to follow up with physical damage and mow her down. .
9. Shadow Demon - Support

Shadow Demon has to be one of the most picked support heroes in the current meta. The terrifying magic damage dealt by him is lethal for heroes with low magic resistance. Laning against a Shadow Demon is not fun for the dino as he is constantly getting harassed with Shadow Poison, as enough stacks can quickly make him disappear from the lane due to his low magic resistance and lack of immunity in the early game. Most enemies with low-status resistance absolutely hate facing the likes of Shadow Demon, his spells disable them, annoy them, and pretty much make them useless if he is caught off-guard.
Shadow Demon can be played both as a core and as a support against squishy enemies. The late game boils down to positioning and ultimately the pure mechanical skill of the players involved. Shadow Demon can effectively disable enemies if he isn’t caught out first in teamfights. An excellent player will always keep his eye out on the map, ensuring he isn’t getting ganked by the Shadow Demon.
Why is Shadow Demon OP?
- Disruption can banish enemies, making it easy for Shadow Demon to disrupt TPs or channeling abilities.
- Casting Disruption after releasing Shadow Poison charges will make enemies unable to use their spells effectively
- Shadow Poison is a good way to deal damage as the initial damage and the release damage can't both be purged at the same time.
- Demonic Purge is a great slow, useful to force enemies out of the lanes while actively chasing and dealing damage to them
Shadow Demon is strong against:
- Huskar - Shadow Poison can quickly stack up on Huskar, And with his naturally low health you don't need as many stacks to be effective.
- Juggernaut - Shadow Demon can farm with Juggernaut’s illusions with the help of Disruption due to the former’s high attack speed and critical strike.
- Alchemist - Disruption will buy enough time for all allies to retreat when Alchemist starts to activate Unstable Concoction.
- Venomancer - In the laning stage, making illusions of Venomancer will turn his Poison Sting back at him, making for an easy gank at level one, and for later when your mid comes for ganks.
- Windranger - Shadow Demon can waste Windrun duration with Disruption.
Shadow Demon is weak against:
- Leshrac - Even if Leshrac is under Disruption, his active spells deal damage, keeping him effective against Shadow Demon
- Lion - As Lion features a toolkit with active abilities, Demonic Purge is not useful against him.
- Storm Spirit - Shadow Demon will have a hard time catching Storm Spirit, as he can get away with Ball Lightning.
- Puck - Shadow Demon will find a hard time catching Puck, as he can get away with Illusory Orb or even Waning Rift.
- Pugna - Demonic Purge is ineffective against Pugna’s toolkit as he has an active skillset.
8. Batrider - Support

Batrider is quite the favorite of most initiators and supports in the current meta, as he is picked to provide great early-game domination and control potential. His laning phase is quite impeccable due to the sheer amount of magical damage output that he provides, shoving the enemies out of the lane. If you aren’t careful enough, then you may be susceptible to heavy damage courtesy of the napalm stacks. Along with dominating the laning phase, Batrider is successful in dominating the late game if not contained.
To be a formidable support hero, Batrider often picks up the Black King Bar, allowing him to become immune to most enemy spells and crowd control effects, thus allowing him to dish out damage and control the battlefield without fear of being interrupted. Along with that, he often rushes a Blink Dagger to compliment his initiation capabilities, allowing him to Lasso enemy heroes with ease. These items, along with his natural magical damage-dealing capabilities, make Batrider a highly sought-after hero for domination.
Why is Batrider OP?
- Batrider's early-game domination potential is impressive due to his high magical damage output that can force enemies out of the lane.
- His harassment abilities with Sticky Napalm make it easy for him to take down enemy heroes.
- He is one of the best initiators in the game, with his ultimate, Flaming Lasso, which can single out and pull enemy heroes toward his allies.
- Batrider's mobility is top-notch with his Blink Dagger, which allows him to quickly escape dangerous situations or initiate fights with ease.
Batrider is strong against
- Naga Siren - With multiple stacks of Sticky Napalm, followed by Flamebreak or Firefly can mow down Naga’s illusions.
- Techies - Batrider can fly over the Proximity Mines under the effect of FIrefly, allowing him to evade the damage.
- Chen - Sticky Napalm slows Chen and his creeps while Flamebreak and Firefly can deal heavy damage to them.
- Meepo - Flaming Lasso is the perfect way to isolate a Meepo and remove him from the fight.
- Treant Protector -Treant will have no place of escape if Batrider clears out the trees with Firefly.
Batrider is weak against
- Oracle - Oracle can negate Batrider’s damage with Fate’s Edict and False Promise, making it hard for the latter to deal damage in a teamfight.
- Nyx Assassin - Nyx can burst down and disrupt Batrider’s initiation with his Spiked Carapace, when he casts his spells like Firefly or Flamebreak.
- Weaver - Time Lapse with Aghanim's Scepter dispels Flaming Lasso when used on an allied hero.
- Weaver - Linken's Sphere is core item for a Weaver making him a hard target for Lasso during the entire game.
- Kunkka - X Marks the Spot can be used to disrupt Blink into Flaming Lasso attempts by using it on allies or Batrider to stop him from initiating.
7. Sniper - Carry

Looks are often deceiving, this dwarf marksman is the stuff nightmares are made of. Sniper’s significant attack range makes it quite hard for melee heroes especially to target him, while the marksman can simply demolish them with his attack damage. If there is one hero that most players could permanently delete then it would have to be the annoying yet lethal Sniper! He is highly reliable due to his immense range which allows him to attack safely from the backlines while his team tanks in the front lines. The reason why Sniper is on this list is due to his ability to participate in the teamfights from the early game, without being much reliant on items.
The late game can be quite tricky for the Sniper as enemies can close the gap with the help of items like Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade, as they allow him to get on top of the dwarf and beat him down. Positioning is always the key while playing against such mobile heroes. A good Sniper player can have an impact in teamfights without being in the forefront. All his items grant him ungodly amounts of damage which can ruin the game of his foes, thanks to the recent buffs to his abilities and his faucet.
Why is Sniper OP?
- Shrapnel faucet upgrade accelerates his farm, while also annoying enemies in the early game, shoving them off the lane.
- High base attack range and movement speed right off the bat which helps him deal ungodly damage within no time.
- Sniper has flexible build potential, making it easy for him to change builds depending on who he is facing
Sniper is strong against
- Enigma - Sniper has a very long range which is further amplified with the escape potential from his Aghanim’s Shard, so Enigma can rarely catch him in a Black Hole.
- Shadow Shaman - Sniper can easily destroy Mass Serpent Ward from a huge range.
- Earthshaker - Sniper can kite Earthshaker with his very long range.
- Doom - Sniper does not rely much on his spells and with his items, he can escape and create space against the Doom.
- Silencer - During fights, Global Silence has a low impact on Sniper, all thanks to Sniper’s reliance on physical damage instead of magic damage.
Sniper is weak against
- Storm Spirit - Storm Spirit can close the distance towards Sniper very easily with his ultimate Ball Lightning.
- Axe - Axe can easily close the distance to Sniper with Blink Dagger.
- Anti-Mage - Anti-Mage can close the gap with Blink, crippling Sniper as he struggles with mobility and has no escape potential.
- Invoker - Invoker's toolkit of magical spells is problematic for Sniper who has low HP and high armor, which does not benefit him much against Invoker.
- Spirit Breaker - Spirit Breaker can charge towards Sniper from anywhere on the map with Charge of Darkness.
6. Snapfire - Support

Many are deceived by the rather innocent appearance of this Grandma. She is as vicious and fierce as she was in her younger days! Snapfire quickly became one of the most played supports in the pro scene. Her skills are great for a variety of purposes from clearing waves, to helping her or her allies escape. Her ultimate is often used in synergy with different heroes such as Mars, Faceless Void, Magnus, and many more. The result of this synergy always proves to be lethal!
In the current meta, Snapfire was often picked due to the crowd control potential she offered. With her massive damage-dealing spells and low cooldown abilities, she has managed to become a formidable support hero. Right off the laning phase, she is solid support, dealing damage and shoving feeble enemies out of the lane.
What makes Snapfire OP?
- Mortimer’s Kisses provides massive AoE crowd control which can help Snapfire push lanes, defend her towers and overall win the game.
- Lil Shredder can be used to deal armor corruption to buildings, making them prone to massive damage.
- She can save her teammates or help them initiate the fight with Firesnap Cookie.
Snapfire is strong against
- Phoenix - Lil' Shredder can quickly kill Supernova.
- Faceless Void - Mortimer Kisses can ruin enemy Void’s Chronosphere with massive AoE damage making him retreat from the fight.
- Chen - Mortimer Kisses will quickly destroy Chen's creeps and will make him quickly use his ultimate.
- Phantom Lancer - Snapfire deals massive AoE damage which negates Phantom Lancer’s impact in the game.
- Omniknight - Mortimer Kisses can reduce Omniknight's impact in teamfights. Omniknight's Frosthaven Heavenly Grace cannot purge multiple stacks of Mortimer Kisses. The damage is also magical, making Guardian Angel.
Snapfire is weak against
- Anti-Mage - Mana Break reduces Snapfire's already low mana pool, making it hard for her to cast spells effectively in a teamfight.
- Silencer - Global Silence can be used to prevent Snapfire's ultimate.
- Pudge - Meat Hook can be used immediately after Mortimer Kisses since Snapfire is forced to stay in place.
- Juggernaut - Blade Fury makes Juggernaut immune against all of Snapfire's spells and allows him to close the gap to use Omnislash
- Abbadon - Borrowed Time allows Abaddon to gain HP during Snapfire's Mortimer Kisses.
5. Kunkka - Offlane/Mid

Kunkka, the almighty Admiral, is known to be a great counter to squishy heroes due to his strength and physical damage, both of which are naturally high from the early levels for the claddish general. He can effortlessly survive ganks as his high-status resistance and HP pool come to the rescue. His ultimate proves to be of great use as well as it makes sure he and his allies take the least damage in fights, allowing the fight to be in their favor. The tanky nature of Kunkka is only amplified further by high armor and high-damage items.
Kunkka is an exceptional laner if we theorize a purely 1v1 matchup, he ensures that his counterpart is shoved away from the lane, reducing their farm efficiency. Some heroes are highly effective in the late stages but Kunkka can match their farm due to his AoE physical damage which enemy heroes can’t negate easily. If Kunkka is let loose in the later stages of the game then there is no way the fiery swordsman recovers from this deficit. He is one of the few rare heroes capable of 1v5’ing the entire enemy team if he has a decent farm.
Why is Kunkka OP?
- Kunkka farms very quickly, thanks to his Tidebringer spell
- Kunkka can enter a teamfight as soon as he reaches level 6 as he has immense crowd control
- He also deals Immense damage in the late game which can’t be negated by enemies so easily, he also does not fall off quickly when the late game approaches.
- Kunkka is played both as a mid-laner as well as in the offlane in the current patch due to the flexibility and control he offers
Kunkka is strong against
- Meepo - Tidebringer, Torrent, and Ghostship destroy Meepo's clones.
- Queen of Pain - With Ghostship, Kunkka and allies can soak up immense damage from Scream of Pain and Sonic Wave.
- Warlock - Ghostship reduces the amount of damage dealt to Kunkka and his allies from Warlock’s high-damage spells while also dealing immense damage to him and his Summons.
- Chaos Knight - Kunkka’s toolkit can be used to destroy Chaos Knight’s illusions, making it hard for him to be impactful in a teamfight
- Sand King - Ghostship helps your allies tank through the damage from Epicenter, while also making it hard for Sand King to escape with Burrowstrike due to X Marks the Spot.
Kunkka is weak against
- Clinkz - Clinkz deals massive physical damage and also builds silencing items such as Orchid of Malevolence and Bloodthorn which prove to be useful against Kunkka’s dependency on his spells
- Ursa - Ursa has massive damage potential which is enough to mow down
- Outworld Destroyer - Outworld Destroyer can save himself or his allies from Kunkka’s massive spell and physical damage with Astral Imprisonment..
- Timbersaw - Timber’s high burst damage combo can prove to be a menace for Kunkka in the early stages of the game.
- Juggernaut - X Marks the Spot is negated by Blade Fury as it does not pierce spell immunity.
4. Dragon Knight - Carry/Mid

Davion, the Dragon Knight is a classic carry hero in the new meta, his high damage and high HP nature fit the glove. He does not fall despite enemies trying to gank him, his armor shall never betray him. Dragon Knight is a tough nut to crack, he has natural high armor which is amplified by his Dragon’s Blood passive, which makes him a beginner’s favorite due to the ease of play, as no beginner would like to start with squishy heroes that die every two minutes.
It is quite obvious that his foes will try to counter him in the late game by building items that can cause immense harm to his armor, but Dragon Knight is a highly dominant and resilient hero in the late game. His armor isn’t easily threatened, he can also build items to increase his already gigantic and tough armor. He also transforms into a devastating killing machine as the late game approaches, absorbing all the damage from the frontlines and demolishing his foes within no time. You can never go wrong with a Dragon Knight pick regardless of the heroes you are facing!
Why is Dragon Knight OP?
- Dragon’s Blood provides immense tank potential, he has increased armor as well as HP regeneration.
- Dragon Knight also relies more on levels as opposed to farms, allowing him to gank lanes as soon as he acquires his ultimate.
- Dragon Knight is also a flexible hero, as he can be played in all the core positions with varying skill builds.
- Dragon’s Breath reduces the physical damage dealt by the enemies by a huge margin, making it easy for Dragon Knight to tank his way into the teamfights.
Dragon Knight is strong against
- Witch Doctor - Death Ward does low damage to Dragon Knight due to his armor and high HP regen.
- Bloodseeker - Due to high HP and regen from Dragon’s Blood, Bloodseeker finds it hard to mow down the Dragon Knight in the early game.
- Nyx Assassin - Dragon Knight's heavy armor negates Vendetta's burst physical damage..
- Templar Assassin - Despite the armor reduction from Meld, Templar Assassin's reliance on physical damage and medium attack speed is unlikely to harm Dragon Knight.
- Spirit Breaker - Dragon Knight can lock down Spirit Breaker while taking very little damage in return from the latter due to high HP and regen.
Dragon Knight is weak against
- Viper - Viper Strike disables Dragon Blood, reducing his survivability.
- Razor - Static Link steals Dragon Knight of his already low base damage, rendering him useless in a fight if he gets kited.
- Ursa - Fury Swipes can mow Dragon Knight down as there are no limits to its stacks.
- Lich - Lich's constant slows with Frost Blast and Chain Frost will slow Dragon Knight, especially in an intense teamfight.
- Anti-Mage - Mana Break drains Dragon Knight's low mana pool, setting him up for Mana Void.
Watch Collapse play Dragon Knight
3. Windranger - Carry

Behold the ranger of the gusts and the wild winds! Windranger is one of the few heroes who can be a tough counter to squishy armored enemies. No matter the position, she is known to deal some heavy damage or assist her allies in doing so. To utilize her to her full potential, she is picked in the safe lane, where she can thrive in most matchups against most offlaners due to the insane damage that she is known to dish out. Along with winning the lane, she can also dominate the middle and late game if she hits the right item timings, hence her pick rate skyrockets.
Windranger’s exceptional movement speed allows her to effortlessly get through the chaos, making her a formidable counter to fragile, low-armored foes. With her new Gleipnir build,, Windranger's ability to deal damage is amplified. When in the mid-lane, she excels against a wide range of mid-heroes, utilizing her arsenal of skills to unleash unparalleled firepower. Her pick rate skyrockets as she secures her dominance in the laning phase, but it is in the mid to late game, with the right item timings, that she truly shines.
Why is Windranger OP?
- Windranger's item build allows her to deal immense damage to heroes right from the early game.
- Windranger’s Whirlwind facet allows her to deal AoE damage to her enemies, amplifying the damage she dishes out.
- Her Powershot and Shackleshot can allow her to lock down multiple enemies at once and deal high burst damage to them within no time.
Windranger is strong against
- Earthshaker - Windranger can escape from Earthshaker’s abilities with her Windrun.
- Phantom Assassin - Whirlwind can dish out considerable damage despite Blur's evasion thanks to the increased attack speed.
- Necrophos - If Necrophos uses his Ghost Shroud too early in a fight, he can be mowed down by Windranger’s damage if he has no other saves.
- Huskar - Windranger can negate the damage from Huskar’s Burning Spears by using Windrun.
- Ursa - Shackleshot and Windrun can be used to kite Ursa.
Windranger is weak against
- Bloodseeker - Windranger loses her mobility when she is Ruptured by Bloodseeker, allowing the latter to strike her down with his damage and silence.
- Morphling - Waveform can be used to escape from the Whirlwind and to dodge Powershot.
- Centaur Warruner - Stampede can help his teammates escape from Windrun and Whirlwind
- Legion Commander - Duel can lock Windranger down before she can use her Windrun.
- Razor - As Eye of the Storm has a true strike, it will pierce the evasion of Winrun, dealing massive damage to Windranger in the late-game
2. Tusk - Support

Tusk, is a hardcore brawling hero, he was made to fight and ruffle some feathers! Tusk is an exceptional roaming hero against pretty much any squishy carry hero in the current meta, there are no exceptions to that. Laning is never fun for squishy heroes against the Tusk as the latter can snowball (no pun intended) if he gets a few kills on them. With his new Drinking Buddies ability and facet, Tusk has massive mobility and damage potential to himself and his allies which can prove to be deadly in a teamfight. Tusk is highly on demand in the meta as he can obliterate heroes within no time and be the frontliner in teamfights.
Tusk is known to be a heavy hitter as soon as he acquires his ultimate, Walrus Punch. His icy and chilling ultimate paralyzes enemies and eliminates all their chances of escape. Tusk can hunt his foes down with his Snowball, which can also be used to save allies by clicking on them, making them get inside the ball! All it takes is one Smoke of Deceit to gank the squishy carry, which can be done quite easily with Snowball and Drinking Buddies, essentially ruining their gameplay.
Why is Tusk an OP hero?
- With the help of Tusk’s Snowball ability, he can charge onto enemy heroes from a distance, while stunning them on impact, making him a formidable roamer to dive towers or gank lanes
- His other abilities like Drinking Buddies and Ice Shard allow him to deal high damage to enemies while slowing them and trapping them, his toolkit is all you need for a successful gank as a roamer
- He is one of those rare support heroes who rely more on their spells to be effective in a team fight as opposed to being reliant on their items.
- Tusk’s ultimate also allows him to disrupt enemy movements and TPs by stunning them, which ensures that no enemies escape during a gank attempt while also piercing spell immunity.
Tusk is strong against
- Crystal Maiden - Freezing Field can be canceled easily with Snowball or Walrus Punch, the same tools can be used to aggressively gank the Crystal Maiden.
- Legion Commander - Snowball can be used on dueled allies to prevent them from taking damage for a major duration of the Legion Commander’s ultimate
- Juggernaut - Tusk can use Walrus Punch on Juggernaut even if he is under the effect of Blade Fury while also saving allies from his Omnislash with Snowball
- Monkey King - With Aghanim’s Scepter, Tusk can Walrus Kick Monkey King from his ultimate, reducing his impact on the game.
- Sniper - Tusk alone or with his teammates can close Sniper's long range easily with Snowball, even wasting Shrapnel, ending with a very vulnerable Sniper.
Tusk is weak against
- Razor - Static Link, Plasma Field, and Eye of the Storm allow Razor to chase Tusk after he uses Snowball and Shards.
- Anti-Mage - Mana Break is very useful against Tusk, as he has a very low mana pool.
- Disruptor - Glimpse can ruin Tusks Snowball gank attempt.
- Phantom Lancer - Doppelganger allows Phantom Lancer to dodge an incoming snowball.
- Earth Spirit - Geomagnetic Grip prevents Tusk from using Snowball to escape.
1. Mirana - Carry

The pristine Mirana has been a highly praised hero in recent times. Her high pick rate at the recent International is evidence of her high capacity to dominate games, now as a carry! Mirana’s new Solar Flare facet and ability grants her massive damage which can be hard to negate in the early game. Along with the damage-dealing facet, Mirana is picked frequently due to her buffed spells which solidify her position as a dominant carry hero in the current meta.
Mirana is often picked as a carry in the current meta as her exceptional attack range and damage allow her to have an optimum impact in teamfights, supplementing her allies. She can also swindle unaware enemies, catching them by surprise. Mirana is an excellent position 4 hero, as she can fit into any lineup regardless of the heroes she is facing, making her a great addition to your team if you’re lacking team fight.
Why is Mirana an OP hero?
- Sacred Arrow allows Mirana to stun for a significant duration or help allies chain-stun enemies during a gank.
- Solar Flare provides massive damage potential to Mirana and her allies in a teamfight, allowing her to mow down her feeble enemies.
- Mirana can also use her Leap charges to initiate a fight and follow it up with her Arrow, or even the other way around, providing her with incredible mobility
Mirana is good against
- Crystal Maiden - Arrow can be used to stop Crystal Maiden from using her ultimate, which also allows the latter to mow her down with the massive damage..
- Anti-Mage - Gleipnir and Sacred Arrow can be used to lock Anti-Mage down in a fight.
- Witch Doctor - Witch Doctor’s cask is a slow projectile stun, and Mirana can Leap away from her allies to keep it from bouncing.
- Techies - Mirana can chase Techies even if he uses Blast Off with the help of her Leap.
- Queen of Pain - With Gleipnir and arrow, Queen of Pain can’t Blink away from Mirana’s damage.
Mirana is bad against
- Slark - Slark’s Pounce acts as a root which disables Mirana’s pounce, making her immobile against him.
- Meepo - Earthbind is another root that stops Mirana from using leap or using Moonlight Shadow. Bloodseeker - Rupture can quickly kill Mirana if she tries to Leap away.
- Broodmother - Broodmother commonly buys Orchid Malevolence which allows her to prevent Mirana from escaping with both, Leap or fighting back with Solar Flare.
- Puck - Mirana caught in Puck’s Dream Coil will stun herself if she tries to Leap away