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TDobson's Profile

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About - Tara Dobson: I'm just a girl who video games and all things nerdy about them. My expertise is mostly in PS4 and vintage games, think if you will all the way back to Atari, NES, SNES, Gamegear and so on as these are some of the systems that I first grew up with these are the ones that I write about the most. As far as my generalized writing goes, I'm not of a historical writer, but I'm not afraid to come up with a little something new and fresh outside the box when need be. A lot of my writing comes in the form of E-books, as that was where I first picked up a lot of my writing jobs. They often came in the form of historical figures of the past and eventually, I moved on to self-help articles, blogs, and even some personal content for personal use on business websites. In my spare time, I've done a lot of work with people who are like-minded gamers who share my love of vintage consoles but also know how to appreciate some of the newer stuff as well. That's kind of half the fun of being an eighties kid, we've been around for a lot of technology and the start of much of it, which means I've been able to have hands-on experience which has aided me into writing some of the content I currently produce. I've logged so many hours with various systems and games I've lost count. Some of my favorites happen to be on the older consoles which would include basically any of the original Super Mario games on up to the newer ones, The Legend of Dragoon, the .hack// series, Most of the Final Fantasy series, and now up to the Call of Duty series, and so forth. There really are just so many that I could honestly list. As far as my favorite category goes, I would have to say I am an absolute sucker for a good RPG game or even anything with a really good story-line. I think the one thing I absolutely love most about writing about video games is that there is always such a field of fans out there. What one person might feel about a video game, another gamer might feel differently. My work allows people with a common interest (gamers) to come together and really spark a debate and spark conversations about some of their video games. It can stir up a bit of nostalgia for some of the older gamers even and help them to remember where their gaming roots originated from. I love sharing my experiences with others, helping with recommendations, and more. I've been gaming since I was the young age of four starting off in my bedroom with an old Nintendo and over the years have owned and logged a lot of time with just about every console that has ever come out. It was when I was a teenager that I got really into gaming and started off with my first serious game on PC with Final Fantasy seven. From there, I've just built my game collection and kept going. The same way I was able to advance in gaming these past twenty-six years, I've been able to expand in my writing as well.

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