An avid tabletop and video game player, Anthony has been lost in Fantasy and Science Fiction worlds for longer than he can remember.

A recent addition to the GamersDecide team, Anthony brings over 20 years of experience to the gaming industry.
Along with publishing several Science Fiction and Fantasy short stories, Anthony has been reviewing video games since the yesteryear of ink and paper magazines.

As a play tester for multiple tabletop roleplaying games, including “The Worlds Greatest Roleplaying Game”, he has in depth knowledge on Roleplaying Game design and development and at last count, owned over 300 unique D20’s.

When he isn’t chasing around kids or swinging a hammer, he enjoys procrastinating on “Real Life” via 4x strategy games like Stellaris and the Total War franchise.

The thing Anthony enjoys most about writing game reviews and guides is that it gives him the opportunity to introduce gamers to titles and systems they wouldn’t normally interact with.

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