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ArmandoOsorio's Profile

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Available GD Points: 4
About - Armando Osorio: -Role Playing Game Lover -Fighting games are a must. Tekken, Fatal Fury, Street FIghter, Mortal Kombat -Sandbox games are life. Been playing games since the Atari 1100, even feel for the old "help me out with the second controller" bit played on so many younger brothers that got Luigi. I am an experienced player, even stood in line to play the old Street Fighter (Yes Street Fighter 1 not too Ryu had Red hair...). Point is I've been around for a while. A passion for writing about everything geek; with a degree in Communications and 3 years of journalism school. I strive to research, understand, and experience the worlds of games and geeks. I especially love rpgs (be they light and silly or dark and twisted), fps, and fighting game... I also have a soft spot for beat em ups. When it comes to my opinion you can expect a professional approach to our beloved media. Years of experience in the media have fine tuned what I consider a successful game... that it has to be FUN. Even if it suffers from other maladies if your enjoying it it's a good game. Pointing those out are only details that bring down the experience to a certain degree but it doesn't mean the game is just bad. I am also an active DM for various tabletop games, a lover of new media that tells stories, a accomplished martial arts instructor and an avid movie fan.

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