Enter the world of Aiden Pearce, a grey hat hacker and former thug who seeks revenge against those who caused the death of his niece. Equipped with a set of advanced hacking skills, use Aiden to hack into the central OS - the software mainframe that controls Urban Chicago, as you track down the perpetrators to inflict your personal brand of justice. With options to hack into online personal records of citizens, manipulate traffic signals to create chaos or even break into police systems to prevent arrest, utilize cutting-edge in-game hacking gadgets to lead Aiden to his goal.
Watch Dogs intensive single player missions are perfectly balanced by the online multiplayer modes that allow players to hack other player's or just free roam in Chicago causing mischief and mayhem. Awesome graphics, a strong core game and being able to step into the shoes of a cool vigilante hacker makes “Watch Dogs” one of the most unique games ever.