Quantum Break

Quantum Break
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About Quantum Break

Time is ending and it is all your fault. After a failed time travel experiment the very fabric of time is unravelling, stopping and starting at random intervals. The mysterious Monarch corporation seems to know exactly what is going to happen before it even happens and is trying to kill you. Stranger still, the man at the head of the company seems to be an older version of your missing friend. As the world prepares for the end you embark on a desperate struggle to try and stop the end of time.

Although the odds are against you the failed time travel experiment has given you some strange new powers. You are able to use 'time energy' to your advantage, blast an enemy with a concentrated burst of power, or even stop the time around yourself to stop bullets. But you are not the only one who has harnessed the powers of time. As time draws to it's close more and more mysteries arise, why is your friend trying to kill you? What is Monarch and how does it know so much about the end of time? Is there even a way to stop time ending?


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