With the internet abuzz with news of Kojima leaving Konami, Silent Hills being pulled, and a solid release date set for Metal Gear Solid 5, the story of the games development is just as twisted as the series’ story. The first Metal Gear Solid game was released back in 1998, and was the successor to Metal Gear series that began in 1987. That’s a lot of history and a lot of games to keep tucked into our memory banks. Here’s a bit of a refresher for everyone, and also a small peak for those curious about the series.
1. Story
The best way to approach the story is from the beginning. Players were first given a look at how the history and lore of the Metal Gear series was formed with Metal Gear Solid 3. The game had players take on the role of Big Boss AKA Naked Snake. He was the father or genetic sample for Solid, Liquid, and Solidus Snake. We first see Solid Snake in Metal Gear 1 and 2, and most would remember him as the hero of Metal Gear Solid. Liquid Snake is the main antagonist of Metal Gear Solid. Solidus is introduced to us in Metal Gear Solid 2. In Metal Gear Solid 3, Naked Snake was sent on a rescue mission in the heart of Russia. Things quickly spiral out of control when he learns that his old mentor has defected to Russia, and took a couple of nukes with them. The events throughout the game lead up to the creation of the eponymous Metal Gear, and his final battle with his mentor would earn him the title of Big Boss. This begins in the 1960s, and the story is told over the years through other Metal Gear Solid titles like Peace Walker and Portable Ops. This helps flesh out why he eventually becomes the antagonist of the Metal Gear series.

Kojima gave us our first taste of Metal Gear Solid 5 with the release of Ground Zeroes, which takes place nearly a decade after the events of Metal Gear Solid 3. By this point, Big Boss has amassed a laundry list of titles as well as loyal followers. Ground Zeroes takes place just months after the events of Peace Walker, and he is tasked with infiltrating Camp Omega which is on Cuban Soil. His mission is to recover key individuals that we are first introduced to from Peace Walker. These two people have information that could potentially put the MSF at risk, and adds that much more urgency to their rescue. Players are able to use brute force to storm the base, or they can utilize stealth tactics. Either way, the outcome is the same, and we meet the main villain, Skull Face. Skull Face is the leader of the XOF. At this point, we know little, but know that he will be one of the main groups that Snake will battle against in the upcoming Phantom Pain.
In The Phantom Pain, the mercenary group that Big Boss founded, Militaires Sans Frontières, has fallen. The game is set roughly 9 years follow Ground Zeroes, and Big Boss has incurred heavy injuries as well as losses. Big Boss recovers from a coma that he incurs following the conclusion of Ground Zeroes. One of his most grievous physical injuries is his amputated arm which has been replaced by a cybernetic prosthetic. He leads a new mercenary group, the Diamond Dogs, and takes on a new codename—“Venom Snake”. Snake ventures into Afghanistan in order to find out who destroyed the MSF, and though he is spurred by revenge, he uncovers a deeper plot that calls on him to carry the mantle of soldier once more.
2. Important Characters
Venom Snake—Big Boss, Vic Boss, Naked Snake etc. The main protagonist and hero of many Metal Gear Solid titles, and a villain in the MSX and NES series. He never calls himself a hero-- just a soldier. He has a deep sense of loyalty, honor, and duty, though to whom he holds those for is what drives him in most games. He no longer swears allegiance to any one country or ideal, and that is why he founded the MSF as a sort of international mercenary group. As a big shock to fans everywhere, David Hayter was not called back to reprise his VA role for Metal Gear Solid 5. Instead, Kojima brought on Kiefer Sutherland to handle the VA as well as mo-cap. His reasoning was that he wanted a new voice actor that could portray the now aged Snake, and also reflect the years of hardship he has endured.
Ocelot—An old rival of Snake’s with a dubious past. He goes on to become one of Snake’s most trusted allies, and also the antagonist of the majority of Metal Gear Solid Games.
Code Talker—There aren’t too many details on this guy, but he’s said to be an “important character”. That could mean many things. Thanks, Kojima.

Skull Face—The main antagonist of Metal Gear Solid 5. Having undergone extensive injuries over his life, much of his body is burned, scarred, or otherwise just not-so-great. Following the events of Peace Walker, he took control of the XOF and took command of a U.S. naval base in Cuba. It is here that he imprisons some important allies of Snake’s, and he was not known to have treated them all that well.

Kazuhira Miller—Proto-Miller of Metal Gear Solid. He is a close ally of Big Boss, and we first meet him in Peace Walker. He is second-in-command of MSF and Diamond Dogs, and also went on to be a trainer for FOXHOUND, the unit that would eventually make Solid Snake’s life very happy. He has many talents and he is highly skilled, and according to Peace Walker, apparently a decent cook.
Dr. Emmerich—Papa “Huey” Emmerich. He was the main brain behind the creation of the bipedal tech that was used in Peace Walker. He was also the father of Hal “Otacon” Emmerich. He was born on the day of the Hiroshima bombing, and Hal points this out to Solid Snake later as a sign that his lineage was destined to do terrible things.

Quiet— A mute, female sniper who surrendered herself to the Diamond Dogs. Since she discovered the location of Mother Base, there was quite a bit of fear that she’d be a liability to the Diamond Dogs. Ocelot tried to torture her, but she didn’t take to that quite happily and managed to take out three Diamond Dogs soldiers. Kudos to her.
Diamond Dog (D.D.) —A small pup that Snake and Ocelot discover. He grows up to be the best companion and cutest mercenary ever. I will go on the record and say that D.D. is the best Metal Gear Solid 5 character, and will be the best in the entire series. I don’t care, shut up.
3. Gameplay
There will be stealth. There will be espionage. There will be action. This time around, as teased in Ground Zeroes, the game will be open world with a time mechanic to boot. Kojima felt that bringing the game into the open world would change the gameplay dramatically, create new challenges for the developers, but also create an amazing game. The missions can be tackled in any order as well.

As with previous titles, Snake will be managing the Diamond Dogs with a base-building feature. Much like Peace Walker, the player will develop items and weapons on the base, handle prisoners etc. The Fulton recovery series also returns from Peace Walker.
As for general gameplay, players control Snake in the third person, and will also have optional AI companions to provide support. Many weapons, items, and tools will be at the player’s disposal, and players can use stealth or brute force to accomplish their goals. Enemy AI has also been given some nice improvements. Enemies will now prepare if certain tactics or weapons or used often, and will reinforce their defenses accordingly.
4. Developer
Sadly, it seems this will be the last we see if Konami and Kojima Productions developing something together. P.T., the tears for Silent Hills, is soon being pulled, and the game itself seems to be gone for good.
5. Release Date (PC)
Metal Gear Solid 5 is slated for release September 15, 2015. I already bought my AMD R9 290x. My body is ready.
6. System Requirements
The official requirements for Phantom Pain have not yet been released, but below are the requirements for Ground Zeroes. We can assume that since Phantom Pain will be even larger and more open that requirements can go up, but Konami will also have had time to refine their code now that we have put their new engine through the ringer.
Minimum Specifications:
OS: Windows Vista 64-Bit or later
Processor: Core i5 SandyBridge 4Core (4 Thread) 2.7GHz or above
Memory: 4 GB RAM or above
Graphics: GeForce GTX 650 or above
DirectX: Version 11 or above
Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows Vista 64-Bit or later
Processor: Core i5 SandyBridge 4Core (4 Thread) 2.7GHz or above
Memory: 8 GB RAM or above
Graphics: GeForce GTX 760 or above
DirectX: Version 11 or above
7. Trailers
The best and only trailer needed:
Some Quiet action:
Metal Gear Solid 5 Online sneak peeks:
So, what do you guys think about the Kojima and Konami debacle? How excited are you for Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain? Do you have any more info or tips on the upcoming title? Tell us below!