The 27 Best Crafting Games To Play in 2018: Page 4 of 27

best crafting games 2018
Good luck avoiding that dragon.

4. This War of Mine

This War of Mine provides an experience of war from a new perspective. Play as a group of civilians trying to survive a war-torn city struggling with lack of food, medicine and danger from other unfriendly scavengers.

Survival is the main goal of the game. Snipers during the day will stop you from leaving your shelter, so you will need to focus on crafting, trading and taking care of your survivors, while at night you will take one of your civilians on a mission to scavenge for items that will help you stay alive. Protect civilians or sacrifice some of them to ensure longer-term survival.

When it comes to crafting, you start out with a basic Workshop which you use to build other crafting stations, furniture and some materials. Crafting a bed is important because you need to give your characters a good place to rest. Sick and injured characters that rest here have a small chance to recover overnight. Giving the character some bandages or medications while he rests will give him a higher chance to recover. The Radio is also very useful to craft because it provides information on weather forecast, criminal activities and more.  

You can upgrade the Workshop to gain access to better items, to things such as a reinforced door, a thermo regulator or a heat lamp.  Other Workstations can also be upgraded and give reduced crafting costs and new items.  All the things you craft will require having components, wood, parts and electric parts. Some may also take a bit of in-game time to craft.

It’s a dark world where survival is key. Trust no one.

A new DLC called The Little Ones released this year, introducing children characters to the game, and new items for children to use. You can make items to entertain them, or teach them how to craft items themselves.

Choose which place to scavenge at.

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