10 Things Players Hate About League of Legends: Page 7 of 10

10 Things Players Hate About League of Legends
This stuff sucks

4. Playing Support

Thresh is just one of the many awesome supports you could play

            What is it with the hate against supports? I have a confession to make: I main support. I enjoy mid and top, but jungling and support are by far my favorite roles because of the fun utility the champions have. Don’t even ask me about playing ADC, I can’t do it for some reason and I’m totally worthless at it. Supports are often the underappreciated MVP's of the game. The reason people hate it is because you get no recognition. Unless you have some very grateful team members that are able to recognize the game changing hook you landed as Thresh, your job will be very ungrateful. On top of that, people always say their records as 10-4 , 3-5, or 2-2. No one ever includes assists so it sucks when your douchebag mid yells at you for being 2-8… Even when you have 25 assists.

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Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Diablo 3, League of Legends, Dragon Age Inquisition
Top 3 Favorite Games:League of Legends, Diablo, Dark Souls II

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