10 Most Overpowered Ultimates in League of Legends: Page 4 of 10

10 Most Overpowered Ultimates in League of Legends
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7. Grand Skyfall (Pantheon when Jungling)

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Pantheon lives only for the glory of battle. His tribe would not fight the armies of the other nations of Valoran unless they were outnumbered at least ten to one. Pantheon like the rest of his tribe was bred for war and found it insulting that the League tried to replace it. He has arrived on Summoner’s Rift in order to demonstrate the true art of war and what a real fighter looks like.

Pantheon is possibly the absolute manliest champion in the game, especially when you use his Ruthless skin. Fighting with his massive spear and shield, he mows down his enemies. His ult is as grand as his manly stature. He jumps into the air and comes down at a target location with such force that the ground fractures and enemies take massive damage. This ultimate is difficult to use in lane but not in the jungle. It is possible to deliver some of the most beautiful ganks the world has ever seen by ulting in behind the opposing laner. No amount of wards will protect you from the glory of Pantheon.

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