Top 10 Best Dota 2 Team Fight Heroes: Page 5 of 10

Best Dota 2 Team fight Heroes
Team fights are an essential part of the Dota experience that you have to be prepared for

6. Death Prophet

A former fortune teller, Death Prophet came back to life multiple times until eventually developing her spectral form

In a lot of ways, you can compare Death Prophet to someone like Faceless Void where on the surface her ultimate defines her team fighting abilities, and you wouldn’t be wrong in that assumption. However Death Prophet’s secret weapon is that even without her ultimate she is a true force to be reckoned with in a team fight.

Her team fight all starts with Silence which has a large AoE and can truly cripple some heroes. Once you’re defenseless from the silence she starts draining the HP of your valuable heroes with Spirit Siphon and picking on your back line with Crypt Swarm. All this time, however, she has Exorcism active and that’s where Death Prophet truly shines. The damage and AoE of Exorcism is nothing to scoff at and can steal a team fight that you could be positioned to lose in conjunction with her other abilities, along with what your team brings to the table.

With a plethora of AoE abilities, Death Prophet thrives against multiple heroes

Exorcism is an insanely strong ability that the enemy team is force to deal with

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Since playing Sonic 2 as a kid Jacob has dedicated himself to one thing: going fast. Also I guess video games, those too.
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