Top 10 Best Dota 2 Team Fight Heroes: Page 2 of 10

Best Dota 2 Team fight Heroes
Team fights are an essential part of the Dota experience that you have to be prepared for

9. Underlord

Having captured everything underground, Underlord leads his armies to the surface to continue their conquest

When it comes to forcing your enemies into awkward situations in a team fight, Underlord is the king. You’ll find it difficult to just get to where you need to be in the team fight when your facing up against an Underlord and that will truly swing the team fight in his team’s favor.

What Underlord has is that all of his abilities are about dividing the enemy team. Firestorm and Pit of Malice both create giant no fly zones that the enemy team has to avoid. Atrophy Aura can certainly turn a terrible team fight in your team’s favor due to the damage swing it brings. On top of all of this he can bring the team to the fight with Dark Rift, and in a worse case scenario he can get the team away from a fight that’s going sour. All of his abilities are really geared toward the team fight, so it’s no surprise he really excels at them.

Underlord’s abilities are all well suited to team fighting

Dark Rift can bring your team to a fight when your enemies least expect it

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Since playing Sonic 2 as a kid Jacob has dedicated himself to one thing: going fast. Also I guess video games, those too.
Gamer Since: 1995
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