The 10 Best Dota 2 Offlaners For Ganking and Killing: Page 10 of 10

dota 2 best offlane heroes
Enigma plans the enemy hard carry's demise

10. Tusk

Tusk, the Snowball from Cobalt

“The snowball from Cobalt,” Tusk is one of the most broken heroes in Dota. Take it from someone who spams the hero. Even with the recent nerf, Ice Shards is still the best terrain-blocking spell in the game — possibly only behind Fissure. Sigil is one of the best slows in the game with an AOE attack and movement speed slow. And walrus punch makes heroes with BKB sad. Throw in possibly the most OP spell in the game, Snowball, and this hero can really do anything you demand. And yes, even though you don’t see it much on the professional level, we believe that includes playing the offlane. 

11. Underlord

The Uberlord himself

And we've got one more to add to the end of our list: the Uberlord himself -- Vrogos, the Underlord. Although he isn't played too often in competitive matchups, Underlord is a great pick for the average pubgame. His passive is one of the strongest in the games, providing less right click kill threat then maybe only Elder Titan. Every creep to die near you gives you extra damage. If a hero dies near you, you get very buff very fast. His root and his firestorm are also very powerful spells allowing you to do aoe crowdcontrol and aoe damage to the enemy safelane on a relatively low cooldown. But everyone knows this hero's top quality is his ultimate. Dark Rift allows you to teleport everyone out of a sticky situation or straight to your next objective. He's Io on steroids. 

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1000 games of Tusk (Shards/Snowball OP), 22 years of gaming. Reformed flamer trying to transfer his passion for gaming from the low-priority allchat to your newsfeed.
Gamer Since: 1995
Favorite Genre: MOBA
Currently Playing: Dota 2, Stardew Valley, Civilization, Rocket League
Top 3 Favorite Games:DOTA 2, Civilization IV, Rocket League

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