Top 15 Movies Like The Walking Dead (Movies Better Than The Walking Dead): Page 11 of 15

Movies Like The Walking Dead
Get ready for some fresh zombie survival movies

5. Zombieland (2009)

This has been a heavy list; I think a little levity is in order to prevent a total bleakness overdose.  Zombieland has the same setup as most zombie films: the outbreak, the collapse, the struggle to survive.  What makes this movie standout is its outrageously hilarious take on a typically gloomy story.  When four survivors, known only as the cities they originate from, make their way across America, fighting bands of zombies at nearly every turn, they survive by adhering to a strict set of rules, ones that comically pop up on the screen throughout.  The main thing to take away from the blood-splattered carnage of Zombieland is the importance of enjoying the little things and taking a minute to laugh before giving the latest zombie you shot down a double tap. 

The ragtag group of travelers discuss their next move,  (Zombieland, 2009)

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I spend thousands of hours exploring other people’s worlds, one of these days I probably won’t come back. If I see something scary in there, I'll be sure to let you know.
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