[Top 10] Hunt Showdown Best Weapons And How To Get Them

Hunt: Showdown Best Weapons
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Before You Take Aim, Check Out the Best Weapons in Hunt: Showdown

Hunt: Showdown may be considered a niche game by some, but its community is dedicated and skilled. Every hunter, by virtue of experience, will find their gun. You don’t find it in the literal sense, of course, you unlock it by leveling up. You may pick up the guns of players you’ve killed during a match, too, which you can keep but can't sell.

What I’m talking about is the gun that will carry them through the good times and the bad times, Ol’ Reliable. For me, that was the Sparks LRR, which I only discovered after prestiging for the first time. It may take you less time, and you may need to prestige twice. It depends on how many guns you try and for how many matches you try them.

To help you find your Ol’ Reliable, I’ve made you a handy list. Here I will detail the top ten best weapons, currently available with update 4.0, comparing raw stats as well as practical use from my many, many hours of grinding it out in Stillwater Bayou and Lawson Delta. Hopefully, this list will serve as a useful resource for amateurs and manhunters alike.

10. The Romero 77 Hatchet

See The Romero 77 Hatchet in action.

Wait, HOLD UP! Before you click off the article, hear me out on this one. I’m sure that for many the presence of any Romero 77 variant on this list would be considered an act of treason, but the Hatchet is a special case. The Hatchet is cheapand reliable in an up-close-and-personal situation, and has the all the practicality of a standard melee weapon. Imagine if the machete, a favourite among players, could shoot. You’ve got the Romero 77 Hatchet.

There is a lot to like about the Romero Hatchet. It has all the close range power of a hand cannon combined with all the practicality of a melee weapon. Imagine this, you roll up on a compound, quietly taking out a zombie with a single clean blow to the head. You creep inside, entering a building and making your way to a clue. Suddenly, you hear two enemy players approaching. They burst through the door opposite to you, and you blast one immediately. He goes down, and as his buddy panics and flees you run him down with the Hatchet and smite him with a heavy blow to the back.

It makes for a great plan B weapon in a pinch but serves equally well as the main event if you play to its strengths. Don't get caught in the open, always make sure you’ve reloaded and have some appreciation for stealth. Stick to these rules and the Romero Hatchet will never let you down. For comparison with other weapons, here is the full stat list:

  • Capacity - 1/10
  • Cost - $29
  • Category - Medium Weapon
  • Range - 10
  • Damage - 72
  • Control - 30
  • Rate of Fire - 10
  • Reload Speed - 40
  • Melee - 32
  • Stealth - 20
  • Heavy Melee - 48
  • Ammunition Type - Shotgun
  • Damage Type - Rending
  • Melee Damage Type - Rending
  • Heavy Melee Damage Type - Rending

As for acquiring the Romero Hatchet, you have to be level 27. Not a great feat once you’ve prestiged a couple of times, but it can be daunting if you’re new to Hunt. When you reach it, you will be surprised at how it fills a spaceyou didn’t even know was there.

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Hailing from the Empire State, Brian knows what the big time is all about. From gaming, to telling stories; he's done it all in the city of dreams, and he's here to tell you all about it.
Gamer Since: 2010
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Mortal Kombat 11
Top 3 Favorite Games:Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Mortal Kombat X, Grand Theft Auto V

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