Top 15 Games like Zelda Breath of the Wild (Games Better Than BOTW In Their Own Way): Page 2 of 15

Games like Zelda Breath of the Wild

14. Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Gameplay

If you’re in the mood to face the world with fearless optimism, take a walk in the shoes of Rex in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Evil forces want Rex’s Blade, so no time for a defeatist attitude! Taking a dip in this world is almost like being in an anime, but don’t let its cartoonish art style fool you. This game will challenge you, and you’ll have to invest serious time if you want to complete it. That being said, you will want to finish this game, because who doesn’t want the best for go-getter Rex?

The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 world is not only like an anime in the story line, but in the graphics as well. This art style is perfect for the creatures and characters created in this game.

While it might seem like there is a lot going on in this gameplay screenshot, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 does a great job at teaching you to battle like a pro.

Megan is a writer with a passion for all things entertainment. Outside of pretending she has a life, you can find her on her couch, under a blanket, playing a video game.
Gamer Since: 2000
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Stardew Valley
Top 3 Favorite Games:, ,

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