Top 10 Games Like Layers of Fear (Games Better Than Layers of Fear In Their Own way) : Page 8 of 10

Games Like Layers of Fear
Get ready for the mind-trip of a lifetime.

3.  Visage

Visage Gameplay

Similar to Layers of Fear, Visage features the player wandering through a huge haunted house, slowly losing their minds as they relive the darkness of past memories.

In this first-person survival horror, you will be hunted relentlessly by those you have wronged. There is no way to fight back. Hide from the spirits that haunt you, but don’t linger in the dark for too long, or you’ll go mad. Search for tools, clues, anything that will help you escape the madness and shed light on your past.

Visage was released for early access on October 2nd, 2018.

Descent Into Madness: If you’re not careful about managing your sanity, the world around you will begin to warp and deform.

Hell Itself: You may be doomed to eternity in hell. Can you push back your madness and escape the house before your fate is sealed?

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