Top 15 Games Like Bioshock Infinite (Games Better Than Bioshock Infinite in Their Own Way): Page 7 of 15

Games Like Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock Infinite is a fast pace first person shooter. You have to use all the tools at your disposal, as well as your surroundings, to survive against varies types of enemies, from police officers to steam punk robots.

#9: Dishonored 2

“ Dishonored 2” gameplay

The sequel to the first game, Dishonored 2 takes us to the same kingdom but a couple years in the future. After queen Emily is usurped from the throne by otherworldly conspirators it is up to you to dispense justice with extreme prejudice. You can pick between older and more experienced royal bodyguard Corvo Attano or the now grown queen Emily. Each armed with different abilities it is up to you how you want to complete your mission. You can pass everyone and be quiet as a mouse, take advantage of the brutal combat system, or have a bit of both. It is completely up to you.

If you choose to play as Emilly, you get access to all new abilities like shadow walk or chain kill.

This direct sequel to the original game takes you back to the same steam punk world. Armed with new powers and equipment as well as some of the old fan favorites, you have to face a wave of all new enemies who threaten The Empire.

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Born amid a cold november morning,Dimitar is resistant to frost attack and has base cold resistance of 100.His only weakness is a good game or a pretty woman,
Gamer Since: 2000
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: World Of Warcraft
Top 3 Favorite Games:Assassin's Creed 2 , Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine , Bioshock Infinite

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