The 18 Best Warhammer Games To Play in 2019 (New!): Page 3 of 18

best warhammer games
In the far, far future, there is only war!

16. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2

The…er…second dawning of war

orks vs dreadnoughts

Orks vs Dreadnoughts: it doesn’t look good!

Get your Rhinos and Dreadnoughts ready and battle through a glorious, a brand-new Space Marines campaign in Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2! This game marks a departure from its predecessor, removing a few in-game elements and changing the initial available armies. But this time, you can play as Tyranids from the start, so that’s…something. A terrifying something…made even worse by the game’s crazy expansions!

Explosions and laser fire blast across the battlefield as the forces battle with one another in the dim light of a darkened world. The real-time strategic elements, along with the ferocious combat satisfies the bloodlust of all but the most hardened general. Get ready for the second dawn of war!

terrible tyranids

Terrible Tyranid: one of the characters from The Last Stand expansion. Move over Godzilla!

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Born into the world of DOS gaming and raised in the Golden Age of Shareware. Avid PC gamer since the dawn of time. Steam, model building/painting and repairing old tech keeps me sane.
Gamer Since: 1987
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Warhammer: Space Marine
Top 3 Favorite Games:Baldur's Gate, Axiom Verge, Shovel Knight

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