Rogue Legacy: 10 Important Things to Know: Page 3 of 5

The game that goes on and on and on...

5. Architect and spelunker are made for each other

You can't keep secrets from me.

The architect may seem like the stupidest way to spend gold. Why in the world would you want to save a dungeon layout you just played through, that probably massacred you, when part of the charm is seeing new things? Likewise, the spelunker may seem like a pointless profession. Sure, you can see where all that treasure is, but what good is it when you can't survive enough to reach anything?

Have you tried putting the two together? They're great friends actually. Get a spelunker and have the architect save your dungeon layout. Are you doing the math? The spelunker will show you where all the treasure is. Mark it down anywhere you like. Then, once the spelunker fails miserably at exploring the place, you can grab a more capable class and everything will still be exactly where it is! Eat your heart out, randomness.

6. No one tosses a dwarf, but you can fit him in small holes

Can't catch me!

Picking a character with the dwarfism trait may seem like a minus. Sure, you're a smaller target, but your reach is also much smaller and you'll learn soon enough that reach is far more important. It's harder to avoid enemies when you have to get really close to hit them.

Why does everyone want to be a dwarf then? Rogue Legacy, in all its sneakiness, added several secret areas that you can only access with a tiny character. Many of these areas can not only contain extra gold, but runes and equipment blueprints. Don't be ashamed of being small.

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