Dota 2 TI 6 Results: Winners, Losers, and Prize Pool: Page 15 of 16

dota 2 ti6 results
Dota 2 The International 6: August 8-13, 2016 Keyarena at Seattle Center

2. Digital Chaos (United States)

Digital Chaos was born from unstable beginnings shortly after TI 5, making it one of the newest teams to join professional DoTA 2. It disbanded two short months after its initial formation, but was revived later by players who had been kicked from other teams, or failed in starting their own team ventures.

Digital Chaos’ performance in TI 6 was considered an overwhelming shock for many viewers and commenters. After their roster struggles and disbandment in 2015, not many were expecting the reformed team to go very far. Their performance in earlier competitions was relatively mediocre. But Digital Chaos became the underdog story of TI 6, and many supporters were saddened by their second-place finish. Overall, TI 6 was the biggest competition and largest monetary prize award the team has ever won.

TI 6 Placement: 2nd place

Prize Winnings: USD $3,427,126

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