10 Hottest Guys in League of Legends eSports : Page 9 of 10

Who are the hottest guys in LoL eSports? Will any of the Hot6 make it?
Are your eyes ready?

2. Kobe24

Professional caster by day, .... Attractive all day.

No, not Kobe Bryant––although he’s a pretty good looking dude himself.

Sam “Kobe24” Hartman-Kenzler is best known as one of North America’s shout casters for the LCS.

Before he was formally hired by Riot Games, he was a professional player as well. He played on HotshotGG’s team, Counter Logic Gaming (CLG) in April of 2010, but retired nine months later to pursue his education. During his time on CLG, he was the team’s jungler and known for his Amumu and Shaco.

Despite leaving the scene, Kobe came back to shout cast online tournaments, and that is how Riot ended up hiring him for good.

Interestingly, it seems that the entire North American caster team is pretty hot. On that note, so are the European casters (Krepo, anyone?) Maybe the next article should be “10 Hottest Casters in League of Legends,” instead!

Casters during last year’s MSI. Left to right: Jatt, Kobe, Phreak, and RIvington III.


Gamer Since: 1998
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Rainbow Six: Siege
Top 3 Favorite Games:League of Legends, Life is Strange, Rainbow Six Siege

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BestEzrealSEA's picture

BestEzrealSEA 7 years 11 months ago

Nice to see a fellow LoL article writer. You forgot to put me in here though!

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